
Thursday, September 05, 2013


I am home today for Rosh Hashanah (which is probably a good thing, because I've come down with some sort of cold/sinus thing and am a snotty mess). We were at synagogue this morning and then went out for lunch with my parents, and now I'm enjoying some quiet time with my wheel. My knitting projects look very much like they did the last time I showed them to you, so I hope you'll excuse a midweek spinning post.

I think I mentioned that I was hosting a spinalong on Ravelry in the group of my former favorite Etsy dyer (she's now out of business, or at the very least taking a long hiatus). Several of us decided that we should actually spin some of the fiber we had from her shop rather than hoarding it, so for the next three months or so, we're all digging deep in the stash. I decided to spin up this braid, which was for a previous spinalong (though I never actually spun it); the colorway is called Miss Crabtree, and if I remember correctly, it's a BFL/silk blend.

I'm spinning this from one end to the other, and then I'll chain ply. As is usually the case when I'm spinning anything with silk in it, my singles are coming out very fine. What you see here is several hours worth of spinning.

At least when I'm spinning my default singles like this, I don't have to think very hard!

For those of you celebrating the holiday with me, I wish you a happy, healthy, sweet new year! For everyone else, happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. And happy new year to you! I am planning on getting in on the ASU fun. I have several braids that I want to spin. It's unfortunate that she's walked away from it all. She had some wonderful colourways.


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