
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Behind Pace

Before the start of the Tour de Fleece, I had grand plans for what I was going accomplish. Admittedly, the pile of fiber I had set aside to spin was a huge amount, but I thought I would at least make a dent. And now here I am, roughly halfway through, and I feel like I've barely done any spinning at all. I suppose circumstances haven't totally been in my favor, but I really thought I would have done more by now. Oh well.

I did manage to finish up one project last night, though I stayed up a little late in order to do it. After spinning the second bobbin of my Southern Cross Fibre superwash merino singles on Monday night, I sat down and plied them last night. Thank goodness for my miniSpinner -- it made it all fast and fairly effortless.

Once I get Rainbow to bed tonight, I will skein and wash this yarn. It looks like it will end up being mostly in the DK range, though it's possible it might plump up a bit more in the wash. I mentioned before that I didn't love spinning this fiber, oddly, so I'm happy to have it done.

After the skeining is done, I will turn my attention back to my Fat Cat Knits superwash Targhee. I'm on the third and final bobbin now, and I'm confident that I will have all the singles spun by tomorrow night, which means I should be able to ply this weekend. I just barely started this bobbin the other evening, so there's still most of it to spin, probably a good three to four hours' worth of spinning time.

I'm hoping to try to catch up on my TdF pile a bit this weekend, but I still have some knitting to attend to as well. I actually didn't spin at all on Tuesday night and instead spent a bit of time working on the Helena. I didn't make a whole lot of progress (mainly because I had some business-y stuff to attend to and didn't actually have much time to knit), but the picot hem on the body is nearly done. I'm really hoping I can whoosh through the sleeves this weekend at some point.

I'm also still working on my Monopoly-inspired socks during my lunch break. The second sock is now at the heel, so I'll soon be in the home stretch.

At some point I'm going to need to do a cull of the sock drawers and get rid of the socks that I don't like or that are really about ready to fall apart in order to make room for these and the other stripey socks I've knit recently, because right now there isn't room for them. I suppose having a lot of hand-knit socks can be both a blessing and a curse!

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