
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Picking Up Speed

There is one week left in the Tour de Fleece, and I'm determined to make a good showing. This week seemed to be more productive.

First, I finished my second skein, a two-ply sport-to-DK weight in Southern Cross Fibre superwash merino in Dom Pedro, approximately 253 yards.

I finished another bobbin of Fat Cat Knits superwash Targhee singles:

And now there are three (which have already begun to be plied, but it was too dark to get a picture):

And yesterday, I spun up one bobbin (2 oz.) of FCK blended merino top in Shock and Awe on the miniSpinner (and it's apparently bright enough that my camera didn't want to focus on it).

Once the plying is done, I'll spin up the second bobbin to match this one. With any luck, I should have at least two more finished skeins by the end of the Tour!

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