
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Getting It Done

This is the week I finish the long-neglected WIPs.

On Saturday, during my regular visit to my LYS, I finished up the Helena. I still need to sew on buttons and block it (both of which will happen this evening), but the knitting was completed and I took the opportunity to do a victory lap around the store.

I had yarn leftover after finishing the sweater, so I decided to use some of the excess to knit a little hat to go along with it. I did a quick Ravelry search and came up with this sweet little bonnet. I figured the picot hem around the edge would tie the two pieces together. I only cast this on yesterday during my lunch break, and it's knitting up very quickly. I don't think I'll have a problem finishing this by the weekend, when we hope to be able to go meet the recipient.

The other baby sweater, the Boy Sweater, is just about done as well. I finished the second sleeve last night, so all that remains is the shawl collar, which I'm hoping to knock out this evening.

It's looking like I'm going to have plenty of yarn over, so I expect I'll try to do a hat to match as well (I'm thinking of using the stitch patterns in the sweater with a simple beanie). My hope is to be able to mail out the finished projects this weekend.

I still have one more WIP that hasn't seen much attention in a while, and that's my Airflow. I know I should really get back to it and finish it up -- after all, all that's left to knit on it are the sleeves -- but I'm getting the itch to cast on something new. I have a new shawl design idea that I want to at least swatch, if not start outright, and some yarn may have been rescued from my LYS's orphan bin this weekend (Yarn Hollow Tor DK, one of my favorites) that needs a project to go with it.

I suppose I will have to cast on a new project anyway, because once the bonnet is done, I'll need a new lunchtime project. But I think I need to discipline myself and focus on finishing the sweater before I get too embroiled in newer and more exciting things.

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