
Tuesday, July 04, 2017


In past years during the Tour de Fleece, I have virtually stopped all my knitting projects in favor of spinning. No so this year -- I've got projects to finish! I've been spending every evening working on my second shawl sample, and it is finally approaching the end. All the contrast stripes are done in the main body of the shawl, and I've got two more garter ridges to go before I switch over to the red and begin the border.

I also cast on a new project for my lunchtime knitting, and it's another Kerameia Cowl using my leftovers from one of the original pattern samples. I have enough to knit two, one in each colorway combination, and this time I get to keep and wear them!

I'm knitting this on a 16 inch circular needle, so the knitting is a bit bunched up, but trust me that it's turning out just fine.

I'm not completely ignoring the spinning, though -- it is still Tour de Fleece, so I am still trying to spend some time spinning every day. We did our Independence Day celebration at lunch today, so I spent a couple of hours at my wheel this afternoon after everyone had left and worked on my FatCatKnits Rambouillet. It's slow going due to the fineness of the singles, but I did make noticeable progress.

I've added at least two layers of singles to this bobbin, though there's still quite a bit of fiber left to spin. I'd estimate I'm about a quarter of the way done at this point. So I imagine you'll be seeing a lot more of the bobbin in the days to come!

If you're in the United States, I hope you're having a fun, relaxing Independence Day! Everyone else, I hope you're having a good Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I need to get back to my cowl! It has been languishing as I have been working on other projects!


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