
Sunday, October 29, 2017

Singles Frenzy

After focusing on my Rhinebeck sweater prior to the trip and being away last weekend, I was anxious to get back to my wheel this week. You might say that my fiber stash spilleth over, not to mention the fact that I'm vending at Indie Knit and Spin in less than two weeks, so I was anxious to both reduce the stash and add to my shop inventory. Since Wednesday evening, I've spun up 8 oz. of singles:

The pink on the left is dyed Corriedale from the Ross Farm (a limited edition, as they don't normally have dyed fiber and they've since sold the Corriedale sheep) and the blue/purple on the right is Polwarth from Gale's Art that I won as a KAL prize last month. They'll both be two-ply yarns, likely heavy fingering to sport weight unless they bloom significantly, but the Polwarth was spun as a fractal and obviously should be more interesting as it has more colors in it. As you can see, I've also made good use of my new-to-me WooLee Winder bobbins, with two more still waiting to be filled. It's always fun to see how quickly I can spin a skein of yarn when I'm not spinning frog hair singles!

I'm planning to ply both of these skeins this week, and I also have a braid of Targhee ready to spun up as well. I'm not planning to spend the next two weeks spinning with quite the same intensity as Spinzilla or Tour de Fleece, but it would be good to get a few more skeins into inventory while working solely from stash.

Otherwise in the spinning world, I got some sad news this week. Ginny of FatCatKnits announced that she has decided to close her business and move to be closer to her family. I can't help but feel that I was part of the problem, as I wasn't buying as regularly as I once was, but I can understand her reasons and will surely miss her artistry. I am glad to know that I still have a few braids of her fiber left in the stash. I know there is plenty of fiber out there, but it's hard at the same time. Ginny has become a friend over the years, and as sad as I am that I will no longer be able to buy her beautiful fiber, I want her to be happy and successful. I certainly wish her well!

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