
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Back of the Pack

Today marks the end of the Tour de Fleece, and I've accepted that I am not ending this year wearing a yellow jersey. There were just too many other things going on this year for me to spend as much time spinning as I would have liked -- and that's okay! Here is where things stand on my big spinning project:

I could probably get more on that first bobbin, but I decided to stop when it got to this point and start on bobbin number two. I'd like to have three full bobbins when I'm done with the singles, so I can squeeze a bit more on all of them if I get to this point on all three and still have some fiber. I may not have finished in time for the end of TdF, but I do want to get this project done before the end of summer (or at least the end of Stash Dash). To that end, I've got some dedicated spinning time coming up in the form of this:

Camp Spin 15 is a virtual camp being held over four days, August 3-6, and participating will give me a good excuse to work on finishing up these singles. I think if I can get all the singles done by the end of camp, I stand a good chance of getting all the plying done.


  1. Have fun at Camp! I think you'll be making something far nicer than a lanyard!

  2. That is a beautiful full bobbin and it's mate looks like it has a good start! I think I saw something about Camp on IG - what fun!


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