
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

2.5 Days

Not that I'm counting or anything, but I have 2.5 days of work left this year. We leave Friday afternoon for our annual trip to Florida, and I'd already planned to take that day off so I could do the last-minute packing and prep, but I also decided to take Thursday afternoon off so that I could go see Rainbow's school musical performance. So soon I will be counting down the hours until I'm on vacation.

I'm happy to report that I am going to meet my knitting deadlines with time to spare. The first deadline was really self-imposed, and that was the sample for what will be my last published pattern of the year. It was finished and blocked Sunday night, and I've just gotten the pattern off to my tech editor this morning. If you're not quite awake yet, you might need some sunglasses for this one:

Rainbow has already claimed the sample as soon as I get all the pattern photos taken, and I'm happy to give it to her. At least wearing something this bright, I'll be able to spot her easily.

The other deadline is for the only real gift I'm knitting, and that's the socks for my sister-in-law. I'd hoped to be able to finish them last night, but I ended up with too much to do around the house and didn't have as much time to knit as I'd planned, so they'll be wrapped up at lunchtime today. All that remains is part of the toe on the second sock.

I'm quite happy with how these have turned out and think they will suit her quite well. I'll give them a quick block tonight and then arrange for a time to deliver them in the next couple of days.

My vacation knitting is almost sorted. It looks like I'll mostly be taking "work" knitting in the form of design samples for patterns for next year, but Rainbow has also expressed interest in learning to knit socks, so I'm pondering how best to approach that. She hasn't yet knit with anything thinner than worsted/DK weight yarn, nor has she wrestled with DPNs yet, so we might do something like Fuzzy Feet and some stash yarn. There are also some big-box craft stores nearby in Florida, so we can pick up some Patons Kroy or similar yarn if she wants something closer to the real thing. I'll also likely have some plain vanilla socks for movie knitting (we always go to the movies on Christmas), and of course I'm likely to throw in an extra skein of sock yarn just in case.


  1. I like that cowl and am looking forward to your release of the hat and cowl patterns. It looks great in that bright pink! My grandmother taught me to knit when I was about ten, but I was well into adulthood before I was comfortable with dpns. I don't have any experience, but would it be any easier to teach Rainbow magic loop or two circulars? Wishing you a wonderful vacation with relaxing knitting, fun mother-daughter teaching, and warm weather!

  2. I also like that cowl! And, I am sending you the happiest of count-downs to your vacation! And, go Rainbow for wanting to learn how to knit socks!

    I wish you and your family a very Happy Hanukkah (if a bit early!) and I hope your vacation time includes 8 amazing days!

  3. enjoy your break
    One day and 30 minutes for me - cannot wait!


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