
Sunday, March 08, 2020

Back to Basics

One of the main reasons I enjoy spinning is the playing with color I get to do with dyed fiber. Sometimes, though, it's very soothing to spin something natural and undyed.

When we were at Rhinebeck this past year, one of our housekeeping tasks for the booth the night before the festival opened was to bag up some freshly milled roving. There was a bit leftover (meaning not enough to sell), so I brought it home with me, and it's been sitting next to my wheel ever since. It's a natural cream color with the occasional bit of VM in it as a reminder that it came right from the farm. I think it's Clun Forest wool, though I could be wrong (of course I didn't label my bag because I assumed I'd remember).

In addition to not labeling the fiber, I also didn't weigh it before I started spinning, so I have no clue how much I have to play with. I'm spinning it fairly fine and semi-worsted, and I plan to ply it back on itself when I'm done with the singles.

Some of this was done Friday evening, during my regular weekly spinning session, and some this afternoon while I was finishing Red Bones (iPad reading for the win!). I'd say I'm through about half of the fiber, and it's a nice little diversion, but all the same I think I'll be getting back to dyed fiber for the next project.


  1. That fiber looks lovely and fluffy, and so do the singles!

  2. This is beautiful - I love colourful fibre, because it's such a feast for the eyes, but there is a silent, soothing beauty in the natural colours, no matter whether you spin them on the wheel or a spindle. It looks great!

    1. Absolutely! I feel more like I'm actually spinning what came off the sheep this way.

  3. Beautiful! (sometimes spinning the natural undyed fiber is so perfect!)

  4. ooohhh, fluffy!! nature really does provide a lovely palette. are you going to keep the yarn undyed?


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