
Monday, November 21, 2022

Plying for Days

It's Monday morning and a very cold start to Thanksgiving week! We started off the day with a trip to Rainbow's dentist, so I am playing a bit of catch-up this morning. I've got to get going soon if I'm going to get my walk in before my work meeting at 11, so I'm going to keep this post pretty short and sweet.

We had a pretty relaxing weekend, which was good because it was frigid outside and it was good time to hunker down inside where it was toasty. I spent quite a lot of it plying my combo spin, a task that took longer than expected because it seemed like my bobbins were magically adding more singles when I wasn't looking. In all it took me three days of plying sessions (no, I did not spend all of those three days plying) to fill up two bobbins of yarn.

I started plying using the purple Akerworks bobbin and switched over to the wooden Lendrum bobbin when I thought I'd plied about half of my singles, but when the second bobbin was full, I still had more to go, so I had to rejoin my singles to the end of the plied yarn on the first bobbin to do the rest. In the end, I used pretty much every last bit of singles. When the first bobbin of singles ran out, I wound off the singles from one of the two remaining and made a plying bracelet, and when those ran out, I chain-plied the tiny bit that was left (if you look closely at the bobbin on the left, you'll see that last bit -- it's the solid orange-y bit you can see coming out from under my thumb). It took me a good while to skein up the yarn yesterday afternoon, and then both skeins got a nice soak. The one plus of the temperatures being so low is that the radiators in our house are on high, so the skeins are ever so slightly damp this morning.

This spin used three past club colorways from the Southern Cross Fibre club: Poisoned Apple on Bond from October 2018, Posy on Bond from April 2019, and Blazing Skies on Rambouillet from November 2021. I split each one up into multiple smaller bundles and then split all the bundles into three piles so all three colorways would be evenly distributed over the three bobbins of singles. The final yarn is fingering weight, as planned, and I have approximately 1,180 yards.

I'm delighted with how this yarn came out, but I am ready to spin something that's not a shade of red now! I'm going to take a break from my wheel for a few days, but then I'll be dipping into my Fibernymph Dye Works holiday set, so get ready for some spoilers. In the meantime, I hope you're keeping warm if it's cold where you are, and I hope you have a good start to your week!


  1. It's cold here, too, but that lovely red handspun makes me feel warmer just looking at it!

  2. Those shades of red look like they need a glass of wine in the picture! Wink.

  3. That yarn looks gorgeous, really festive and joyful in its colours.

  4. The yarn looks beautiful. Plying is not quite as much fun as spinning singles but the payoff in finished yarn makes up for the tedium. I think our quite cold temperatures made their way east. Hopefully, this current slightly warmer days will also blow your direction.

  5. Wow! That is so yummy! I'm glad it was a fast and fun project for you. I can't wait to see what you're working on next!

  6. Gorgeous colors, Sarah. Your handspun yarn is always so lovely. We had very cold temperatures over the weekend, too . . . PLUS 2 feet of snow! It's warming up now, though. That snow is melting fast! :-)

  7. Beautiful, Sarah! That should make a gorgeous sweater! (And YAY for the sunshine this week!)

  8. Gorgeous colors in that yarn Sarah - lovely. My the weekend WAS so COLD...and our heat was cranked up for sure. It was good to have the winds die down and the sun come out so strongly. Today looks like another gorgeous day!


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