
Friday, November 25, 2022

So Very Thankful

This week has been one of giving thanks and expressing gratitude. And I have many things to be thankful for -- more than I could possibly list in one blog post. So consider this post some of the highlights.

I am thankful for the miracle that is my body and all the things it has allowed me to do, like run in yesterday's Turkey Trot 5K with the Mister (and I ran nearly all of it and finished in 27:14 -- a very good time for me!).

I am thankful for my family -- my partner and best friend and my daughter, who is growing up into a smart, caring, kind young woman.

I am thankful that last night we were able to gather with family and enjoy a delicious meal and good company.

I am thankful that on Tuesday, my brother- and sister-in-law welcomed a healthy baby boy, and everyone should be home today.

I am thankful for knitting and crochet and spinning and yarn and fiber. I am thankful for books and libraries. I am thankful for the internet, which has allowed me to learn so much and make wonderful friends. I am thankful for you, dear readers, for being part of this wonderful community.


  1. What an abundant list! Best wishes to your brother and his family, and I'm thankful to count you as a friend, Sarah!

  2. What a wonderful list. Congratulations on the new little one in the family. I am thankful for you.

  3. It looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Sarah. I'm very thankful for you and your friendship - it has meant so much to me these last couple of years. I hope you have a wonderful weeekend!

  4. That's a lot to be thankful for, especially the delivery of a healthy new nephew!

  5. What lovely things to be thankful for. Congratulations on the birth of your nephew - and on the run; I'm trying to get my 5k time back down to that sort of speed and keep getting injured or ill... I'd be thrilled by anything around 27 minutes! Happy thanksgiving :)

    1. Thanks very much! I was surprised by the time, especially because I wasn't really trying for it. I also couldn't get my wireless headphones to work, so I was completely in the dark about my pace.

  6. I don't know how I missed that on Saturday night--that your new nephew was JUST born! Congratulations to all of you!

  7. So much to be grateful for, Sarah! What a wonderful list you've got there. Congratulations to your whole family for the birth of a new baby among you! (And . . . look at Rainbow! She is growing up so quickly!) XO

  8. What an incredible list, Sarah! First, BRAVO to you on your run! That is incredible! Second, Welcome to the new baby boy! What a joy!

    Thank you so much for all you share here in blogland... you inspire me daily!

  9. I'm so thankful for YOU! love having a real book twin (I returned Woman of Light when I realized it wasn't even going to make 3 stars - sorry - I should've told you!), learning about spinning!, and vicariously re-experiencing the best parts of being a mom to a teenaged girl. xxoo!


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