
Friday, January 26, 2024

Quite a Contrast

At this time last week, it was snowing and cold. Mo had a snow day, and the Mister had come home early from a work trip to avoid having to drive in the storm. This morning, it is 62ºF and the sun is starting to peek out. When I go for my run later, I won't have to wear a coat, hat, or gloves to stay warm. This is unusual for January but not unwelcome!

I haven't made a ton of progress on my shawl since pulling it out again, but the pattern repeat came back to me right away and it's something I can work on without having to think too much. And of course now that I'm decreasing, the rows are getting shorter and will thus go faster.

I've also made some progress on my current spinning project, working on it during the never-ending work meetings. I'm now almost at the end of the third (of four) strip of fiber, so I expect my singles will finished up soon.

We've got a very calm weekend ahead, which I'm very much thankful for (as is Mo; she intends to sleep as late as she possibly can tomorrow). The only plans I have at this point are to get together with some friends to play mahjongg tomorrow afternoon. I hope your weekend is equally restful!


  1. Gorgeous knitting and spinning, and I hope you get plenty of time this weekend to work on them. I remember how late teenagers can sleep, and I hope Mo gets plenty of rest.

  2. Really... that is just gorgeous knitting (I agree with Bonny!) The color and pattern are perfect together! Have a great weekend! XO

  3. Sounds like a lovely groove for the weekend! Enjoy.

  4. As Dee said, hope the sun heads this way and the warmer temps. It's in the 40's here and the temps are supposed to fall....That shawl is just so pretty Sarah - nice that you have picked it up again. Here's hoping you all have a restful and pleasant weekend - enjoy!

  5. mahjongg! We had those warm temps, but it rained the whole time - glad you're seeing sunshine with your 60 degree days! (also, is it just me or does the fiber on that bobbin look a lot like the yarn you're knitting?!)

  6. I hope you had a restful weekend. We also have warming temps - reaching a balmy 40 degrees. However the sun came out yesterday and today. I felt like I hadn't seen it for days. Your projects look great. I keep reminding myself that it's ok to work on projects over a long period of time.


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