
Monday, January 08, 2024

Snowy Winter Weekending

All too soon, I find myself at the start of another work week; it was very hard to get up this morning and leave my warm bed! But it was a relaxing weekend that didn't seem to go too quickly for once, so I won't grumble much.

On Saturday morning, we dropped off Mo at school for a Future City work session and then went to Costco for a much-needed stock-up trip before the snow started. When I headed out for my walk when we got back, a few flurries were just starting to fly. By the time I got back, it looked like this:

It snowed for most of the afternoon, but the temperature was above freezing, so the roads weren't too bad and it was melting almost right away. Yesterday we had more of a rain/snow mix, and now it's just wet outside. I'm thankful it wasn't quite the huge storm the local news promos would have you think we were expecting (I think they all get a little too excited before the first storm of the season).

The weekend did see some progress on my current projects. I spent much of Saturday afternoon at my wheel, working on my current spin, on which I'm about halfway done with with singles:

The colors are a bit brighter in reality, but we are in the midst of the usual January Gloom here in Pittsburgh.

I also put in a few rounds on my current sock WIP in the car on the way to and from Costco; I'd put it down midway through finishing the heel turn on our trip back from Florida, so I really wanted to get through the rest of that and pick up stitches for the gusset.

This is now back to being a nearly mindless project, so I will save it for Thursday, when I have an 11-hour (yes, you read that correctly) work "retreat" and will need something to help me stay focused. I'm hoping it will be okay, to keep this quietly in my lap to help me stay engaged and awake; if you can't tell, I am not at all looking forward to it.

And of course I worked on my Birch Pullover:

Sleeve Number 1 is now about to my elbow, and I've just joined in partial skein 4. I'm guessing I didn't do a great job of estimating the amount of yarn I'd need for sleeves relative to the body. The good news is that I didn't need the fifth skein at all for the body, so I can use all of it for the sleeves if needed. I did have a brief moment of panic a couple of days ago when the tip of the circular needle I was using decided to break off from the cable (it was a ChiaoGoo Red Lace circular, which I've never had an issue with before). Luckily no stitches fell off of it and I was able to transfer them all over to the Addi they're on in this photo, though this is a 32" circ and I was using a 40" before, so things are a little more cramped. But as the sleeve circumference is decreasing, I can deal with it.

I'm hoping for a quieter week with more knitting time, and now I'd better go get ready to start my day. Have a good one, friends!


  1. We had snow, as well, but only a few inches. It's COLD out there today, I can tell you that! Happy Monday, I hope your retreat isn't as dreadful as it sounds!

  2. The snow on Saturday was fun! (and only here for a hot second! lol) This morning, it was just wet and dreary as I headed out for a walk with Sherman.

    I think you are smart to stall on Sleeve Island for that ghastly long "retreat"... yikes!

  3. Oh my. 11 hours?! I went to grad school with a woman who knitted through every.single.lecture we ever had...quietly and completely unnoticed. May that force be with you!
    And what picturesque snowfall!

  4. Oh ugh to an 11 hour work "retreat." That sounds truly gastly. Our snow was much like yours...little to nothing, but it was pretty when it was coming down. The sun is out bright here, but it is chilly and my computer says the temp will drop. Glad the weekend provided you with some time to do the things you love!

  5. I hates it when my needles break! (And it's almost always when I'm at some "critical juncture". . . ) Your sweater is going to be finished in no time! We had snow, too. But it melted quickly and now it's just back to dreariness. . . We're having a VERY warm winter here in Michigan.

  6. We had five or six inches of heavy snow and rain and now we're getting ready for loads of rain tomorrow. That's okay, I won't have to shovel that precipitation. Eleven hours?! I had a psychology professor in college who said human beings could not sit still, pay attention, and be engaged for any longer than 90-120 minutes. I wish you good luck with needles and that work retreat!

  7. It pretended to snow here (n.w. WI) today but really it was <1/4". According to the weather hysteria we should get a bit of a dump later in the week. That's okay; winter is beautiful here after a good snowfall.

    1. I really do think the weather forecasters get much more excited than they need to be and often freak people out much more than is necessary. I guess if you're a meteorologist, you live for this time of year!

  8. What a weekend! I'm glad you were able to get in so much time doing the things you love -- I hope this week treats you well!

  9. You made some nice progress on all these projects. The pullover is just so pretty. We had a similar weather experience here today. Lots of snow predicted but only a couple of inches before it turned to sleet. Still it was a good day to be home indoors. An 11 hour retreat sounds pretty demanding. You will need that sock for sure.

  10. I've had a few of the red cables break - I knit a lot, and sometimes magic loop on shorter than ideal cables, so that might be why. Still the smoothest and best lasting needles I've tried.

    1. I was magic-looping with this particular needle, but it was 40", so I wasn't really stressing the join, so the break was a bit of a shock. But it does happen!

  11. Oh, I love that sock project! An 11 hour "retreat" sounds dreadful, I hope it goes quickly for you.


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