
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Unraveled, Week 23/2024

After a cooler weekend, summer weather has arrived with a vengeance here in SW PA! It's been hot and humid, and it looks like we may get some thunderstorms this afternoon (I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can get my run in between raindrops this morning!). It's Wednesday, which means it's time to link up with Kat and the Unravelers. Here's the current state of my WIPs:

My Rift tee is just about ready to split into front and back after adding a couple extra inches of length to the body. And I picked up the Felici socks again yesterday when I went in to work, something that continues to feel pointless to me. I'm going in on Tuesdays and Thursdays for my 9 a.m. team meeting, and then I sit alone in an office until about 11:30, when I leave to go home. I genuinely don't see the point of it, particularly as we're often on Microsoft Teams for the meeting as well (because we have a coworker who doesn't live here and joins remotely all the time, and not everyone is always in both days). Annual review time is coming up, and I will of course be bringing up this new hybrid schedule, though I realize there's not much my direct supervisor can do about. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that someone who has some say-so comes to the realization that my being physically present doesn't change anything.

In any case, the sock is getting some occasional attention. I'm not in a rush to finish the pair (the recipient's birthday isn't for three more months), but I also don't want it to linger on the needles for too long.

Not shown in the WIP photo is my current spin, which is approaching its end. I've got a length of fiber about a yard long left to spin into singles, and then I will get started on the third and final blue.

I have only finished one book in the past week, but that's mainly because I've been doing a lot of reading on a Big Book!

I'd had The Cloisters tagged in Libby as "to read" (a list I keep of books I'm interested in reading, eventually, that I'll go back to and check the availability when I need something new) since hearing about it on a podcast a while back, and the audio was available when I needed something to listen to late last week. I'd call this a work of "dark academia," a story set in an academic setting with something slightly sinister in the background, though perhaps not the best example of the genre I've read. Ann Stilwell, having just graduated from a small college in Washington State and seeking distance from her life there, finds herself in NYC ready to work as a curatorial intern at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. When she learns that her position is no longer available, she falls into another one at the Met's Cloisters museum, known for its Medieval art and gardens containing deadly plants. She soon becomes part of a team working to research the history of the use of tarot cards -- and becomes enmeshed in the lives of the people she works with. I found the book to be entertaining, and I certainly enjoyed the art history piece of it (have I ever mentioned that I minored in art history in college?), but there was a bit of a twist at the end that left me not liking the main character very much. I gave it 3 stars.

My Big Book will, I expect, be with me most of the summer: A Suitable Boy. I'm into Part Four, of nineteen total, so I'm moving right along. I'm also reading Small Island (it's been coming to work with me for when I don't have anything to do) for our next backlist Women's Prize discussion. That's going a bit faster. I expect I'll be ready for another audiobook soon, too.

This afternoon I'm going in for my annual mammogram, so I'll close this out by reminding those of you to whom it applies to get your girls squished!


  1. You have made so much progress on that tee - I love it! And we're expecting thunderstorms this afternoon too. My fingers are crossed that they hold together for us because our garden would love the free watering!

    I was so excited to read Cloisters but all the reviews I've seen are lackluster. My excitement has quieted! Probably a good thing because there are so many other books to read.

    I hope things change for you at work soon. It seems so silly, doesn't it?!

  2. I hear the same sorts of comments from others I know who are doing "forced hybrid" work schedules. Sigh. (A perfect example of one step forward, two steps backward I'm afraid.) Your sweater is just zipping right along, Sarah! You'll be wearing it in no time!

  3. I am shaking my head in complete confusion about this "work" thing. It seems such a foolish waste of time! I hope "those that make decisions" get some common sense... and fast!

    I can't wait to see your Rift Tee! It has been on my radar, but I have been uncertain about it so I am eager to see you model yours!

  4. I'm sorry to hear about the ridiculousness of work. When John was working he used to drive three miles to the office three times a week so he could attend Teams meetings from his office. He was a manager so he felt he had to comply, but he told his people that they were adults and he would not be checking up on where they were working from. I do hope this changes for you. I bet you'll be modeling your Tift tee in the near future. I might take a look at The Cloisters; it definitely deserves a "to read" tag in Libby. I need to start doing that so I have a list ready when I run out of things to read.

    1. Whoops, that's *Rift* (just in case you needed more to edit).

  5. I really got frustrated for you in paragraph two. And I kind of got hung up on the co-worker who lives out of town...and for whom remote working full-time is obviously feasible. So--?? (Really frustrated for you. Let's face it, it's the least they could do at this point.)
    You're coming along so quickly on your Rift! Can't wait to see it on you. (I haven't even finished my gauge for my summer tee!)
    I'm finishing In the Shelter this week, and Padraig O'Tuama just mentioned A Suitable Boy. I know how much Mary likes him; I'll have to ask if that nudged her toward the selection?!

  6. And good luck this afternoon!

  7. Hopefully, your supervisor has some ability to sway the powers-that-be!

    We've had so much rain... I love thunderstorms but not a fan of the hot & humid weather that accompanies them!

  8. oh I'm jealous you've read so far in ASB - I haven't picked it up this week (so far - it is only Wednesday!) - AND delighted you're loving it. Hope all went well this afternoon!

  9. That Rift is moving right along. My daughter is having some of the same frustrations about being in-person at the office but having so many virtual meetings. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  10. The tee is coming right along. I hope the mammogram went well. I made my annual appointment last week for early August. It's important to keep up with all the screenings. We have had some warm humid weather also. It feels more like summer than spring.

  11. I hope someone higher up comes to their senses about working from home. I recently went from working two days at home to three, and it's just made the difference in my focus between the two locations even more noticeable.


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