
Friday, June 28, 2024

Time for Finishing

It's the last Friday in June -- and I have today off! I get two personal days each year in addition to my vacation time, and if I don't use them before the end of the fiscal year (June 30), I lose them, so inevitably I end up taking off two random days in June. It's nice to take a day off just because, and I plan to make the most of having the day to myself (though not really to myself, because I've got Mo to hang out with).

My primary goal today is to finish up two projects. First, there's the second Bousta Beanie. I started the crown decreases last night, so I don't have much work left to do on it.

I also want to finish up my Benny singles today. This is all the fiber I have left to spin!

Tour de Fleece, that annual celebration of spinning that happens alongside some sort of bike race, starts tomorrow, and I'd like to kick it off by plying my three bobbins of blue singles. I have a sweater pattern (Ravelry link) picked out for the yarn, but it all depends on whether or not I get enough yardage from these three blues plied together for the main color.

In addition to working on these projects and going for my regular run, my only other planned activities for the day are making some dessert with Mo for our family dinner this evening  and joining my in-laws for a final walk-through of the condo they're going to be moving into next month. I don't think I've mentioned it here before, but they decided they wanted to move into the city from the suburbs to be closer to their grandkids, and they found a condo less than a mile from us. Their house went on the market late last week and they had an open house last weekend. They had multiple offers that day and are already under contract. It's a wild real estate market right now!

We've got a quiet weekend planned, which is just fine with me. I have some reading to get caught up on and would love to get all that plying done. And next week is a short week! I hope you have something fun and/or relaxing planned. See you here again in July (gulp)!


  1. With next week, you will have two short weeks in a row!! Love the sweater pattern you have picked out...such pretty color work (do you have the other color picked out?). Hope you get to do ALL you want to today - enjoy!!

  2. Enjoy your bonus day off! I think it's great that your inlaws made that decision, I hope it works out well for everyone.

  3. Enjoy your day off... it is gorgeous out right now! I do love mornings exactly like this!

  4. I've been looking forward to the plying of all those lovely singles, so I hope you get plenty of time for that! Enjoy your day off, dessert, walk through, and weekend!

  5. Tour de Fleece! Fun times ahead

  6. I love those hats in the bright rainbow. I hope the spinning cooperates and you get to plying that beautiful blue soon. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Ooh! I loved the first hat but I like this version even more.

  8. I kept meaning to ask which sweater you wanted to knit with the handspun - and Sarah! that design is such a perfect complement to your yarn/fiber ... especially the contrast colors. wow!


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