
Monday, April 07, 2008

Ribbed for His Pleasure

The Mister has decided that he LOVES these socks -- shocking, I know, considering they're not a shade of gray or black. It's unfortunate that it's a tad too warm for him to wear them now.

Pattern: 2x2 rib worked over 68 stitches
Yarn: Dalegarn/Dale of Norway Baby Ull (superwash wool), color 5545 (I think), two skeins
Needles: two 12" US 1 (2.5 mm) Addi Turbo circs
Started/Completed: March 18/March 31 (can you tell I was bored?)

The Mister would like you all to know that he has learned a lot about sock construction. For instance, he knows that this part of the sock

is the gusset (and he pointed it out entirely unprompted my this knitter). More proof that my knitty talk is rubbing off on him? After I finished taking these shots, he pulled the socks off, handed them to me, and said, "You still have to block them, right?" Oh, Mister!


  1. The Mister is definitely a keeper! Great job on the socks and Mister training.

  2. Nice work there! My sock blockers are just for photo taking. I usually wear mine at least once between on the needles and first washing. Although I was really loving today's weather, I'm the tiniest bit sad to see sock-wearing weather coming to a close. Oh well!

  3. I love that he asked you to block them! Ah yes, a well-trained knitty man is a find indeed. ;)

  4. Block them? mine knows better - blockers are for pictures (grin) feet are excellent blockers (especially since I don't do anything other than hang them on the line after washing)

  5. Anonymous11:44 PM

    What a guy! Has he started sniffing yarn yet like my guy? I caught him doing it again a few days ago.

    The socks are wonderful. I love that color. Yummy.

  6. Your Mister sounds like my Mister. I think they are both a wee bit proud of the fact that they know what a gusset is :-)

    I never thought about using Baby Ull for a pair of socks. It's really soft.


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