
Tuesday, January 08, 2013

A Peek

I've been neglecting my knitting a little the last few days because I've been so busy getting reacquainted with my wheel, but I wanted to give you some proof that the sweater is almost done. It's a bad picture because I took it in the mirror without a flash, but you can get a general idea.

Please excuse the pajama pants!
I have a sleeve and a half to knit and then all this needs is a few ends woven in and a really good blocking (if you couldn't tell that from the bottom edge curling up). I'm really pleased with how this is turning out, and I can already tell that it's going to be one of my favorite sweaters to wrap up in on those horrible frigid days of deep winter. It also looks like it's going to take a lot less yarn than I thought, so I don't have to worry so much about running out.

I'm also really enjoying working with this yarn -- Knit Picks Capra. It's developing just the slightest halo as I'm working with it, and it felts beautifully when I need to join in a new skein (I started out trying a Russian join, but I don't like how it looks). If you're looking to knit a cashmere blend sweater and don't want to spend a fortune, this might be a good option for you.

Now, I have some holiday thank-you notes to write and then it's back to sleeve #1!


  1. I like the shaping. I haven't used Knitpicks in a while but their pricing is so reasonable that they are always worth a look.

  2. Your sweater looks great!! And your pajama pants are cute too *giggle*

  3. I love how your sweater is coming up. It's going to be a really wearable design.


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