
Thursday, January 10, 2013

One (Almost) Down

Just a quick post for tonight, because I have some serious knitting to do. I have to finish the first sleeve of my sweater.

If you think this shot is bad, you should have seen the rejects!

I am determined to get this thing done by the end of the weekend. That seems totally possible but for the fact that the rest of that batt is still calling my name, so I might have to cheat on the sweater a bit to get in some spinning time. If all else fails, though, I'm going to a Downton Abbey marathon at a friend's house on Sunday, so that will mean lots of uninterrupted knitting time.


  1. Ooo...I'm really liking the bands/lapels/collar and the tapering in the sleeves! I didn't manage to buy that Capra on sale, but this may just be worth full price. Or at least a really soft non-cashmere alternative.


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