
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Where I Left Off

It's been a weird week. Remember how Rainbow was sick with that mystery virus last weekend? Well, the Mister and I caught either that or some other bug and ended up spending last Friday at home together in bed (which sounds more exciting than it was). Really that meant I spent most of the day drinking tea, blowing my nose, and binge-watching Luther on Netflix while knitting. Actually, that was what I did for most of the weekend, as whatever it is I had took its time getting out of my system.

I can't show you what I spent the weekend knitting (at least not now), but suffice it to say that it was not my Color Affection as I had planned. I finally got back to it last night, and I now have just three short-row sets left to do before I can start the border. It's gotten to the point that each set takes 20-25 minutes, so very little gets done each night. I'm hoping that this evening I'll be able to finish this section at the very least and release myself from two of the three skeins of yarn that are currently attached to this WIP.

Meanwhile, my striped sock is moving along, slowly but surely. I completed the gusset during my lunch break today, so now is at least the easy part where I just knit without having to think or count until I'm ready to start the toe.

As close as these two projects are to being done, I'm getting twitchy and feel ready to start another project. I really think I need to get a sweater on the needles once the shawl is done, so I'm pondering my options. Part of me thinks I should finally cast on for my Cabletta Cardigan, a pattern I bought in February 2013 and for which I bought three skeins of Miss Babs Yowza at MDSW that year. It will be a lot of knitting, which means it's unlikely I'd finish it in time to actually wear it this winter, but it would clear a lot of yarn out of my stash. The other sweater I keep thinking about is the State Fair Cardigan. I have a sweater quantity of a Cascade wool/alpaca worsted weight (I can't remember the name) that I won as a door prize a couple of years ago that would probably be perfect. Then there's Airflow, for which I bought three skeins of Dream in Color Jilly last summer. You see my dilemma? I might just have to pick one at random at this point. Of course, it's somewhat of a moot point until I actually finish my shawl!

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