
Sunday, November 19, 2017

Taking Care of (Spinning) Business

While my knitting mojo has been waning, my spinning mojo is alive and well. I spent more than a few hours at my wheel this weekend and made good progress on my sweater spin. The first skein is officially done, though it still needs to be skeined and washed (and that's on tap for this evening).

HipStrings Buoy in Mussels

I snapped this (mediocre) photo before I was finished plying but as soon as I realized the light was very quickly fading. This skein is likely going to be one of the largest of the whole project, at 6 oz. I realized I'd made a little error in my mental planning in how I'd split up all the fiber, so most of the remaining skeins will be 4 oz. each. Given that I finished this skein in about a week, that bodes well for finishing up the remaining skeins in a timely manner.

I finished up the final bobbin of singles for this skein last night and found myself with some time left to spin, so I decided to add on to my leftovers bobbin.

This bobbin is where I add on my leftover singles when I've finished plying a skein and have some singles still remaining on a bobbin. When the bobbin is full, I'll chain ply everything that's on it. I didn't have any singles to add, but I did have some some small fiber samples I'd accumulated, so I decided to spin those onto this bobbin. The dark multicolored singles at the far end of the bobbin were spun from a sample of Hill District from HipStrings. The hot pink was a leftover puni from Gourmet Stash that I spun several years ago. The green at the bobbin is mystery fiber, and the dark blue in the middle is Falkland from Yarn Hollow. There's still some room left on this bobbin, so I'll continue to add to it. To be honest, I've been adding to this one so long that I have no recollection what's underneath, so it will be a fun surprise to finally ply!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I like the idea of putting leftovers on a bobbin! What a great idea!


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