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Her face looks like mine, but her legs are all her father's! |
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Her face looks like mine, but her legs are all her father's! |
I am so glad it's Friday -- it's been a long week! We've finally gotten rain this week, which we badly need but which also has been disrupting my typical exercise schedule. I guess we're getting to that time of year when I can't count on being able to get outside every day, and that's okay! Work has been busy and the Mister has had early appointments a couple of days this week, so I've had to do the morning school run and been more rushed in the morning. I am looking forward to a quieter couple of days this weekend.
There has been some knitting this week. I knit another baby hat for a gift, this time for our neighbors, who had a baby this summer, so I made it a little larger.
I think I've now knit this pattern (Ravelry link) about eight times, and I love it every time! It's great when you need a gift in a hurry, too; I knit the second one in two evenings without too much effort.
I also started the socks for my mother-in-law with the deep-stash yarn:
I like how this yarn is knitting up and the fabric it's creating. I don't know how durable this particular fiber blend will be, but the socks should feel nice, and that's really all I are about.
Yesterday I got a hankering to spin again, so I pulled out some of the fiber that Margene sent me a while back when she was clearing out her fiber stash. This is some roving from Wooly Wonka Fibers, a blend of CVM, alpaca, angora, and sparkle. This photo (taken on a gloomy morning) doesn't do it justice:
The weekend ahead should be pretty uneventful, but the highlight is that all three of us are signed up to run in the Great Race 5K on Sunday morning. The Mister and I have been doing it for many years (though I missed it last year because of COVID), but this is Molly's first time. She's been running a bit this summer to get ready for it, and she's going to be doing it with a friend, so I don't have to stay with her and her slow pace. Right now the weather forecast is showing showers off and on over the course of the day, but we might get lucky and get a break for our race time. Other than that, I plan to spend the weekend in the kitchen. My mother has asked me to bake the challah for our family Rosh Hashanah dinner next week, and I'm also planning to make chicken soup and matzah balls (we'll eat some for dinner on Sunday but also freeze some soup for any sickness needs this winter).
I hope those of you in the path of Hurricane Helene stay safe and your power stays on, and I hope everyone has a restorative weekend!
Happy Wednesday -- and happy union ballot counting day! Today's the day that the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board will begin counting ballots from the staff union election. I don't know how long it will take them to count them all or how soon we'll hear about the outcome, but I do know that a simple majority of all the returned ballots will determine the outcome (so if 100 ballots are returned and 51 of them are in favor of a union, then we get a union). Please send good, pro-union thoughts this way!
As it is Wednesday, that means it's time to join Kat and the Unravelers, this week with a finished pair of socks!
After starting these way back at the beginning of August, I finally wrapped them up Monday -- well, technically yesterday, as I ran out of time to graft the toe of the second sock before bed, but really the knitting was done Monday night. I guess I've learned my lesson that while they can be more exciting to look at, patterned socks just don't get knit as quickly. I call these my copycat socks because I basically reverse-engineered a pattern that I've seen others make so that I could use a different gauge. The patterning is on the front the leg and top of the foot only, but it uses biased fabric, so the fit is snug. My socks always stretch out as I wear them, though, so I'm hoping that while it might be a bit of a struggle to get them on, they'll be fine once I've worn them a bit. The yarn is my favorite Fibernymph Dye Works Bounce (superwash merino/nylon) in the colorway Sugarplummed, which was a holiday colorway a few years ago. I'd been saving this skein for a while and decided to finally make myself some socks with it already!
I've already cast on another pair of socks, this time just stockinette so that I know they won't linger on the needles. I'm making them for my mother-in-law for the holidays, and I'm using some yarn that's probably among the oldest in my stash because it was purchased at a yarn store that closed soon after I started knitting seriously.
According to the editing history on Ravelry, this yarn was discontinued in 2011 -- so I think it has aged quite long enough in my stash! It's a blend of bamboo, wool, and nylon, so it should feel pretty nice in a sock, even if it's perhaps not the best for durability. But my in-laws' condo isn't carpeted, so I have a feeling they'll both be wearing socks all the time in the colder months.
I mentioned in Monday's post that I got some extra reading time in over the weekend. What I didn't say was that I used it finish two books and read a third (it was really short).
The first order of business was finishing up Creation Lake, which I was reading primarily because it's on the Booker Prize shortlist. It's told from the point of view of a woman known as Sadie, though it's not her real name because she's a spy for hire working on infiltrating a group of activists trying to stop the French government from stealing all the groundwater in the region for a "mega-basin." But she's also reflecting on earlier jobs, including when she was an FBI agent who took the fall when a case when south, and sharing the emails from an older man advising the activists (she's hacked into his account) who spends a lot of time philosophizing about Neanderthals. It's a strange book, and while I didn't necessarily get bored with it, I was left wondering what the point was. There's not really a tidy resolution, and the narrator isn't particularly likable. Plus I didn't need to know that much about Neanderthals. I gave it 2.5 stars rounded up to 3; I didn't particularly like it, but I also didn't hate it. I would not recommend it unless you're committed to reading the entire shortlist.
It is an overcast, rainy Monday morning here in Pittsburgh. We certainly need the rain, badly, but it makes it that much harder to get up when the alarm goes off -- and that seemed to be the case for both the Mister and Molly, who both got back into bed after their alarms went off this morning. I would have liked to do the same, but someone has to get the household moving!
Yesterday was, of course, the first day of fall, but it still feels very much like summer here. This week we're supposed to get more rain and highs are going to be a little lower than last week (in the upper 70s as opposed to the mid-80s), but it still does not feel like fall. I'm a bit jealous of those who have weather cool enough to wear handknits, and frankly I'm starting to worry we're going to skip directly from summer to winter.
We had a fairly low-key weekend, which was much needed. Work was quiet enough for me on Friday that I was able to get some cleaning and laundry done, freeing up my Saturday, and that meant extra time reading and crafting. I finally finished up the double-ended hat Saturday afternoon:
I used my pattern (Ravelry link) and the skein of Malabrigo Ultimate Sock that came home with me from the retreat in July. I'm still undecided as to whether this is going in the charity pile or if it will go to my middle nephew, but either way it's done and another skein has been used up.
Now my main focus is finishing up my Sugarplummed socks -- my only WIP right now, if you can believe it!
I've got about three inches of foot left before I start the toe, and as this is all I'm actively working on at the moment, I expect these socks will be a finished pair by midweek.
Now that summer is officially over, I want to say a quick thanks to Kym for hosting her Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt and for encouraging me to embrace the summer months instead of resenting them for making me feel like a warm puddle of goo. I received some lovely gifts from her for my participation:
Kym, I don't know if you just picked out things that appealed to you or if you had me in mind, but you couldn't have selected more perfect items for me -- thank you!
I hope you aren't having too much trouble getting your Monday started! I will see you back here on Wednesday with a crafting and reading update.
Happy mid-week, friends! That big project that I've been waiting for finally showed up yesterday afternoon -- though thankfully it was much smaller than the first iteration, especially because it has to go to print by Friday. That will be my top priority today, but I can't miss out on a week joining in with Kat and the Unravelers!
I did indeed manage to skein and wash that finished handspun on Monday (thanks to a Teams meeting in which no one turns on their camera). I left it outside for about an hour and it was dry much faster than it would have been if it had been hanging in my shower, so I guess there is some benefit to the warm weather continuing! Because I spun this long draw, it's not as consistent as my yarn usually is, and it ranges from laceweight to probably DK or worsted, but I'd say overall it's in the fingering to sport neighborhood. I have approximately 345 yards -- just don't ask me what I'm going to do with it! The goal was just to spin it, so for now, it goes back into the stash.
My main focus the last several days has been the lace baby blanket. I'm officially onto the edging and have joined in my second skein of yarn, but it's getting really unwieldy! It's on a 40-inch circular needle, and I suppose I could use a second needle, but that seems more fiddly to me than just shoving it along the needle.
Once this is done, I'll be pinning it out and steaming the heck out of it in the hopes that I can kill the acrylic content in the yarn and it will hold the block permanently.
Reading has continued to be very good. I finished two more books this past week.
My Friends was on the Booker Prize longlist (I'm sad it didn't make the shortlist!), and I'd been wanting to read it for several months. I gave up on waiting for the library to get it and just bought it on Kindle. This novel reads very much like a memoir, and certainly it is grounded in real events. The narrator tells the story of events that happened when he was much younger and brings us back to the present. First, as a child in Qaddafi's Libya, he hears a short story by a mysterious Libyan author read on the BBC that so moves him that he decides to study literature. Then, as a student in the UK, he is convinced to attend a protest at the Libyan embassy in London by a fellow student at which they are both gravely injured and, as a result of being there, are both forced to become exiles because of the risks they would face in returning home. Years later, he meets the author of that short story completely by chance, and the two become friends. These three men share a common background and a common fear of their native country's oppressive regime, and they all find different ways of navigating their exile and separation from their families. Then comes the Arab Spring and difficult decisions to be made. I thought this book was really well written and that it speaks to many aspects of the human condition that aren't unique to these individuals. I gave it 4 stars.
When I am caught up on podcasts and am waiting for library holds, I generally scroll through Libby and Hoopla to see what audiobooks are available that I've been interested in reading, and that is how I happened to pick up Weyward over the weekend. I know a number of you have already read and enjoyed this one. I thought it worked really well on audio because there's a different reader for each of the three female characters: Altha in 1619, who is accused of witchcraft; Violet in 1942, who has been kept sheltered at home by a domineering father; and Kate in 2019, who has run away from her abusive partner and sought shelter in an old cottage left to her by a great-aunt she barely knew. All three women are fighting to claim their place in a world dictated and controlled by men, and all have an unusual bond with nature. There's a strong element of magical realism and a bit of a predictable outcome to their storylines, but it's a highly enjoyable and atmospheric journey. This would be a great one if you're looking for something just a little creepy heading into spooky season! I gave it 4 stars as well.It was hard to get up when my alarm went off this morning after waking several times during the night and then having strange dreams (I was back at college, though not a college I recognized, and I was assigned to live in a room shaped like a giant tooth!?), so I am thankful for hot coffee in my favorite mug. We had a fun but busy weekend, and I could have used another day to rest (but isn't that always the case?).
Hamilton was great. I actually liked this cast better than the one we saw five years ago, although our Aaron Burr was having a little trouble during "Wait for It" and seemed a little off key to me. But in general I thought the actors were all extremely talented singers and did an excellent job of enunciating so that the lyrics could be understood. Molly loved the show and said that she was glad she didn't see it until now because she has now studied American history and could understand all the context.
I took my double-ended hat with me to work on during the show because it was the only project I had in progress that I could knit without looking. I totally forgot to put a marker in to see how much I knit, but I can tell that the ball of yarn is getting smaller.
My main fiber focus over the weekend was my spinning project. I did end up finishing the singles late Friday, and yesterday I wound them into a center-pull ball and plied them:
On today's to-do list is winding the yarn off and setting the twist.
I expect it to be a busy week at work -- that big project that keeps threatening has to get done and off to print -- but at least there are things to look forward to. This afternoon the Booker Prize shortlist will be revealed, and tomorrow evening is the next Read With Us Zoom discussion. And union ballots are due this week! I hope your week is off to a good start, and I'll see you back here on Wednesday for an update.
Happy Friday, friends. It's been a long week, so I'm happy to see it come to an end. The Mister had to do a bunch of work travel this week, and it got complicated by a diversion and landing due to a medical emergency on board yesterday (he's fine, and the passenger with the issue was being cared for by a nurse on board). Last night was also curriculum night at Molly's school, so I spent the evening meeting all her teachers and hearing about her classes for the year. On top of all this, the heat has come back and we haven't had rain in a while, so everything feels completely dried out.
On the plus side, I did get some good news from work this week: My job classification change has officially gone through! The change is effective at the end of the month, so I'll still have to submit weekly time sheets for a few more weeks and it will take about a month for my paychecks to catch up, but at long last this major headache is over. I'll also add that, thanks to the Mister's encouragement to ask for it, I am going to be getting an additional payment to make up for the increased pay I would have received if they'd put in this change months ago. It's not a huge amount, but it was bumped up a bit by my office to a nice even number (I suspect to placate me after all my complaining). It's really nice to be relieved of this extra stress after nearly a year.
I have been focusing mainly on two projects this week. The first is the baby blanket, which I think is in the home stretch. I finished the sixth main pattern repeat (of eight total) last night and slipped half of the stitches onto a spare needle to get a better sense of the size:
My 9.75 in. foot for scale |
The body repeats are 10 rounds each, and the border is another 14 rounds, so combined with a good hard block to open up the lace, I think this will be a nice size for a baby blanket. I still have a little more than a third of the first skein of yarn left, and I'm hoping it will be enough (though I've got that second skein in reserve if needed).
I've also been spinning away at those Charollais singles:
I'm hoping to finish them today, if I can. Woolen-spun singles spin up a lot faster than worsted-spun singles, but the difference is that I need to keep an eye on them as I spin, which means it's not feasible for me to read while I spin. I know that I'm very spoiled in being able to spin or knit and read at the same time, but I've gotten so used to doing it that doing just one leisure activity at a time without doing something else has started to feel unproductive to me (yes, I know that's entirely ridiculous). I can, however, listen to something while spinning these singles, so that's mainly what I've been doing. And once I'm ready to ply, I'll be back to spinning and reading again.
We've got a fun weekend coming up -- Molly and I are going to see Hamilton tomorrow! This will be my second time (I saw it the first time in January of 2019, when she was a bit young for it). Sunday we'll both be tuning in to the Makers for Kamala livestream. And I'm hoping to take care of the laundry and cleaning today so that the rest of my weekend can be cleared for the stuff I want to do rather than the stuff I have to do.
Here's hoping your weekend is full of the stuff you want to do!
Hump day again -- time to join Kat and the Unravelers with an update on my making and my reading over the past week!
Over the course of Monday I was able to ply up my two bobbins of singles, wind the finished yarn into a skein, and give it a soak. It took almost a full day to dry (even though I squeezed out as much water as I could, then rolled it in a towel and stomped on it!), but I think the wait was worth it.
The photographer was slanted, not the artwork. |
Why is it that the short weeks seem to last longer? That's certainly been the case this week. In addition to an important project at work (which I started and then was told abruptly to stop because major changes needed to be made), I donated blood on Tuesday and then went to get my annual breast MRI on Wednesday (all good!). And I've generally felt a little off all week -- nothing major, just not feeling quite 100%. So I'm glad it's almost the weekend and there will be some extra sleep in my future.
Thanks to the stoppage of that work project, I had some extra time on my hands the past few days and wrapped up some knitting. On Wednesday afternoon and evening, I finished up the hat to go with the Newborn Vertebrae and the first sock of my current pair.
The hat is a free pattern that I have made many times before; I often refer to it as the "rude baby hat" because that strip of fabric that's knotted on the top looks, well, rather phallic before it's tied up. The sock is a pattern that I've basically made up myself by looking at another pattern; I could have bought the pattern, but it was easy enough to reverse engineer, and I would have had to make adjustments to it anyway because it's written for a larger gauge. The biased fabric on the front of the sock definitely makes for snug fit and a little difficulty getting it on over my heel, but it does fit once it's on. I'll be casting on its mate soon.
The Pigskin Party officially kicked off yesterday, so I started two new projects. The first is a spinning project, one that's a big contrast to the spin I just finished.
These two batts were a door prize that I won at SSK last year. They're from Bricolage Studios and called Luna Moth, and they're a blend of Rambouillet, mohair, CVM, tussah silk, and silk noil. Each batt is 2.5 ounces, so I figured I'd spin each one on its own bobbin and ply them together. I started spinning the first batt yesterday and got about halfway through it. I've split up the batt so that it's kind of being spun in a gradient of green to pink, though there's quite a lot of blending. I'm hoping that the finished yarn will have the same subtle color shift.
This spin is a departure from what I've been doing all summer because, for one thing, I'm using a woolen prep rather than worsted. And though I'm still using generally my same short forward draw, with this prep and the chunky bits of silk noil in it, it's pretty much impossible to get an even, smooth single. I'll admit that I am pulling out some of those chunky bits when they're excessively clumpy and/or rough, but I'm generally letting this yarn be more textured.
I also cast on a new knitting project last night, and I'm doing some lace knitting for the first time in a long time.
I only just found out recently that my college roommate (who was also my maid of honor in my wedding) had a baby over the summer, her second daughter. I knit her first daughter a lace blanket five years ago that was apparently much loved, so I decided to do the same for the second. As with the first one, I've adapted a triangle lace shawl to be a square, using thicker yarn and larger needles to up-size the lace. I'm using this free pattern (Ravelry link) with -- don't be shocked! -- Caron Blossom Cakes, a 61% cotton/39% acrylic yarn purchased at Michaels. My top priority when I knit for babies is to make sure that what I make is easy to care for, and the big box store acrylic blends have come a long way. I wanted this to be something my friend could toss in the washer and dryer without having to worry about messing it up, and having felt this yarn before (my mother just used it to make blankets for my nephew and expected niece), I can say that it's very nice. Mo also picked up some of this yarn to make herself a blanket.
After I post this, I'm going to attempt a run (always a challenge after donating blood), and if my inbox cooperates, I'm hoping to do a little cleaning and laundry. Today is my sister-in-law's birthday, so she and my brother are going out to celebrate and my parents are babysitting my nephew, so dinner will be just the three of us. At some point this weekend, I'm hoping to make it over to A Fair in the Park -- the potter who made my favorite coffee mug will be there, and I'd really love to pick up another piece or two (I missed out on the fair last year because I had COVID).
I hope you have a restful, enjoyable weekend full of the things you enjoy!
Sen. Bob Casey is the guy right in the center. |
Happy Labor Day, friends! It's a day off for all of us, but it's also a day of celebration. For one thing, the Mister and I are celebrating our 17th anniversary today. But Labor Day is also taking on some special significance for me as my union ballot is in the mail and I could be a union member by the end of the month. This morning Mo and I are going to the annual Labor Day parade downtown with my parents. It's one of the biggest in the country, and in the past it's featured some pretty high-profile guests. There was talk that the president and vice president might appear, but now it's sounding like they're going to be doing another campaign stop. Still, it should be a good time.
Personally, I'm also celebrating the fact that the heat and humidity have broken again! As I type this, it hasn't yet hit 60ºF, and the high today is only 73ºF. I can't wait to run in this cool weather!
I got an early dismissal from work on Friday afternoon and took full advantage of the long weekend to get some crafting and reading done. We got some rain on Saturday afternoon and evening, though not the thunderstorms I was hoping for (they ended up north and south of us), but Mo and I spent the afternoon bingeing Gilmore Girls and crafting in any case. She's been working on a pretty epic crocheted blanket, which I will share at some point in the future, and I finished up the Newborn Vertebrae!
I know it looks like the sleeves don't quite match, but they do, even down to a few stitches of gray in the bind-off. The thin brown stripes that appear on the right side were all in the yoke; because the stitch count was at the largest right before the sleeve stitches were split off and that color is a thin stripe, it just didn't make it across the whole yoke. I'll admit it bugs me a little, but this is what happens when you use a self-striping yarn for an item with variable stitch counts -- and I highly doubt my niece is going to care! Now I'm working on a hat to go with it that should be finished up in a day or two.
I also worked on my sweater spin and finished up the first sleeve skein:
This ended up approximately 183 yards for 46 g, and I've now spun more than 1,800 yards for this sweater! I am nearly finished with the second sleeve skein, the final one for this spin, and should finish the singles today. I'm hoping I can find time in the next several days to swatch for the sweater because the Pigskin Party is kicking off on Thursday, and I'd love to start a new sweater!
Today's plans, other than the parade and a run, include doing some laundry and trying to finish a book. We're making dinner at home tonight, and then tomorrow it's back to the grind. I have a big work project waiting for me that I'm trying not to think about today. If you're off today, be sure to thank a union member! See you back here on Wednesday.