
Monday, October 14, 2024

Back to Routine

Good morning, friends. It rarely happens, but I woke up this morning happy that it's Monday. It's not that I'm eager to get back to work and all that, but I really am feeling a need for a regular routine after an unusual weekend. More than anything, my body is craving normal meals and my normal amount of water consumption! I can't say that our Yom Kippur observance was good, really, because it's a very solemn holiday, but it was a meaningful one. Molly fasted for the first time and did fine without eating, though she felt faint after services and drank some water when we got home. And we had a lovely birthday brunch for my father yesterday, but it was a large meal in the middle of the day and thus messed up my appetite a bit -- probably not the best after a day of not eating. Today it is back to normal for me, with plenty of water and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

I did not do much knitting over the weekend because frankly there wasn't much time. When we got home from services Saturday afternoon, I was just too tired and took a nap instead! But I've made some progress on my sweater the past two evenings. I've completed the short rows (which I think I made only one tiny mistake on -- but I'm not tinking back to fix it) and have gotten through three increase sections.

I also worked a little on my current socks yesterday while listening to the end of an audiobook and am almost finished with the leg of sock number two:

I'm feeling an urge to finish up this second sock because I actually had an idea for a sock design last week and I'd like to swatch it, but I know if I do that and it works as I hope, I'll completely abandon these socks, so I'm forcing myself to stay focused until they're done. Really that shouldn't take too much time, so perhaps you'll see the swatch later in the week.

Today I'm hoping to get a run in before it rains again -- we had some surprise thunderstorms yesterday -- and to feel more like myself again. Thankfully my to-do list isn't too long and it's a work-from-home day, both of which will help me to recover from my weekend. Here's hoping your new week is similarly off to a calm start.


  1. Busy weekends do put a pinch in your routine. A new sock idea is exciting. Hope your week goes well.

  2. Here's hoping your re-entry to normal days is an easy one. I'm not familiar with fasting, but do you not even have water? Anyway, nice to see some sweater progress - that one is going to be a beauty!

  3. It's funny how a relatively small change in your usually healthy lifestyle can mess with it so much and make you glad that it's Monday to get back to a routine! I hope you feel more like yourself this week. Your sweater is looking lovely and I'm anxious to see what you new sock design might be!

  4. I hope Monday is all you want it to be today!

  5. It always feels so good to slip back into our routines, doesn't it? I hope your Monday went smoothly, and that your week ahead looks . . . calm and uneventfully routine. XO

  6. I hope you're finding your routine again! Fasting is a startling way to refocus our attention and change the way we see the world.

    Can't wait to see the new idea you have for socks! I hope your week started out well!

  7. As someone with four pairs of socks on the needles right now, I admire your restraint!
