
Friday, October 04, 2024

Not Slowing Down

On the one hand, taking a Thursday off means that when you go back to work, there's only one day between you and the weekend, but on the other hand, taking a Thursday off leads to a lot of confusion about what day it is. I've checked several places, though, and have confirmed that it's Friday -- not that the coming weekend really means that things will slow down for me.

But let me back up a bit. We had a really nice Rosh Hashanah, though unfortunately my sister-in-law was sick and couldn't join us for dinner on Wednesday evening. When we walked to services yesterday morning, it was chilly and foggy, but the sun had come out by the time we left and warmed things up. I was able to enjoy the sunshine on a walk. We've all eaten too much good food over the past 36 hours, and there are leftovers in the fridge. Technically the holiday continues today, but we're all back to work and school.

I really have not done much crafting the past couple of days because I've been busy with work and holiday stuff. But I did knit a second swatch for my handspun sweater and am ready to block it.

Rather than doing the faux in-the-round method (where you slide the knitting back to the other end of the need and drape the yarn across the back), I decided to just cast on more stitches and knit an actual tube. I'll be dropping 10-12 stitches and letting them unravel so that I end up with the yarn across the back anyway, but I think I get a better representation of my true gauge this way. I'm going to be ripping out the whole thing afterwards anyway, so I don't care if it looks messy. I was worried that going up to a US 5/3.75 mm was going to result in fabric that was too loose, but I've been pleasantly surprised. Now I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I'm close enough on gauge to make it work.

I'm hoping to catch up on some sleep this weekend, but it's going to be a busy one. Molly and I are going to get our flu shots and COVID boosters this afternoon after I pick her up at school, so I'm anticipating feeling crummy tonight and tomorrow. Then, tomorrow evening, the Mister and I are going to a reception for my 25th high school reunion. Finally, on Sunday, Molly and I have plans to meet up with one of her classmates and her mother to go homecoming dress shopping (they're going to the dance together). And of course there will be the usual chores and laundry, and I'm planning to do a Costco run (we need TP and paper towels, so I'm really hoping people in my area haven't bought them out over concerns related to the dock workers strike). If I do feel really crummy and need to curl up under a blanket, then at least I will have good reading material: I got a notification this morning that my (signed) preordered copy of Louise Erdrich's newest novel will be delivered today!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, with at least some time to slow down. See you back here on Monday!


  1. I hope you don't feel too bad after your shots, maybe just enough to justify a nice nap. Fingers crossed for getting gauge and finding a dress that everyone is happy with!

  2. The pharmacist reminded me to take either Tylenol or ibuprofen when I got home from getting my shots and it did help! (I took Tylenol when I got home and then took some ibuprofen when I went to bed that night.)

    I hope your new year is happy and so sweet! Have a great weekend!

  3. I'm glad your Rosh Hashanah was nice and I love the image of your little family coming out of the synagogue to walk home in the sunshine. I hope you do react too badly to your shops and that you get to rest and have fun this weekend.

  4. Steve and I got our boosters (flu & Covid) a couple of weeks ago. A bit of a sore arm for me. Not too bad.

    That blue is SO pretty.

    Have fun dress shopping. Years ago I took Stephen and his prom date tuxedo shopping. We had SUCH a great time.

  5. Oh, that blue is gorgeous! I have my appointment for flu and Covid shots this afternoon, fingers crossed I don't get hit with any rough side effects this year!

  6. I hope your vaccinations went well and you two don't experience any symptoms. Matthew got his on Tuesday, Bryce & Bronwyn got theirs today, I'm scheduled for Monday, and Colton will be getting his next Friday. It's a lot to coordinate!!

    I hope your gauge works out and that your reunion goes well! Enjoy your weekend!
