
Sunday, August 07, 2016

Don't Sweat the Shetland

I really thought I'd have another finished skein of handspun to show you this week, but all did not go according to plan. My goal was to finish spinning my singles Friday night. That didn't happen -- I had to finish up last night. Today, I started plying (in between doing laundry and cooking and various other things). I'm almost done, and I'm hoping to finish up once I hit publish on this post.

This is another chain-plied yarn, so the colors will be relatively distinct. It was rather entertaining to start plying this during the day, having spun the singles mostly at night in a fairly dark corner of my bedroom -- I finally saw all the colors!

Up next after this skein is done will likely be the next shipment from the Southern Cross Fibre club, which showed up last week:

This is Perendale wool, a breed I've only spun once before. It feels more rustic, more like the Shetland I've been spinning, so I'm going to try another sock yarn. Expect to see it in progress next week!

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