
Sunday, September 22, 2019


After the craziness of last weekend, it was really nice to have a normal Saturday and Sunday this weekend. We had some errands to do (the usual grocery shopping, for instance, but Rainbow and I also went to apply for our passports yesterday), plus the usual cleaning and laundry, but we did not have much on the schedule and so I was able to fit in a fair amount of leisure time.

I find that I tend to do spinning primarily on the weekend, and this weekend was no exception. I was at my wheel for a bit Friday evening, a bit yesterday, and a bit this afternoon, and as of earlier today, I have two plied skeins of Polwarth.

The second skein is a bit smaller than the first, but there are still plenty of singles left to be plied and I have no doubt that I'll have a decent amount of yarn to work with when all is said and done. Now that the singles are diminishing on the bobbin, I can see that the third bobbin will be the first to run out, so there will be some creative unwinding and splicing of singles to come. The nice thing is that because I spun up the singles so randomly, you won't be able to tell! Sometimes I'm smart about how I do things (though, to be honest, the smarter thing would have been to divide the fiber evenly before I started spinning).

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go put my feet up for a bit -- treadling a wheel after going for a run in the heat is exhausting!


  1. Just beautiful! (And why does 90 degrees feel even hotter and more exhausting in the fall?!)

  2. This weekend's heat wave was really extra warm! I am impressed you ran in that heat! (And, your skeins are looking so awesome!)


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