
Sunday, September 08, 2019

Whoa, We're Halfway There*

This weekend, I really tried to make up for lost time at my wheel. Yesterday was a day free of obligations -- yes, there were the typical weekend chores to do, but I had no social plans and had the day almost to myself. I went for a run in the morning and then came home to a leisurely breakfast while the Mister took Rainbow to a friend's house and then took my car in for some service. In between loads of laundry and cleaning the bathroom, I dutifully sat at my wheel, determined to finish spinning the last of my Polwarth singles before the day was done. By the time I went to bed, I had done it.

The last bobbin I finished is the one on the far right, and while it's likely hard to see, it's just ever so slightly less full than the other two. I think that's actually pretty impressive when you consider that I just eyeballed it when spinning up the three bobbins. The smarter approach would have been to divide up the fiber ahead of time, but I guess I was so eager to get started that I didn't think of it. But all's well that ends well, and these look even enough to me.

The singles rested overnight only because I couldn't wait to start plying this morning.

The blending is happening exactly as I'd hoped, meaning that I should get some pretty subtle striping when the yarn is knit. And it's plying up very nicely. The plied yarn looks to be about fingering weight, but because this is Polwarth and Polwarth is famous for poofing up when washed, I'm hoping that the finished yarn will end up being closer to sport weight.

I've now filled about half a bobbin, maybe a little less, with plied yarn, and in theory, because I have three bobbins of singles, I should end up with three bobbins of plied yarn. I'm feeling a bit of time pressure on my Rhinebeck sweater, but I'm hopeful that I can make some time during the week for spinning to get at least one skein finished. Next weekend will be busy, with family visiting from out of town for my future sister-in-law's bridal shower and then a performance of the Lion King, so there won't be much spinning time then. But I am anxious to finish up this project after so many months!

*Sorry not sorry for the earworm -- I am a child of the '80s, after all.


  1. *I must be too old - I didn't get the reference, so no ear worm :-)
    The singles are lovely, but whoa, the plied bobbin is stunning! It's so cool to see how the colors come together. I think it's going to be even better to see how it knits up!!

  2. Ear worm stuck here (but I'd probably be asked to leave NJ if I didn't recognize Bon Jovi)! I also love how the singles are plying and think this will be really beautiful yarn! Looking forward to the finished spin and seeing whatever you knit with it.

  3. That is plying up amazingly! I love the start! May this week bring lots of time for knitting *and spinning*!


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