
Monday, March 27, 2023

Embrace in 2023: March

There are still several days left in the month, but as we've arrived at the last Monday, that means it's time for a One Little Word check-in. Thank you to Carolyn for hosting our monthly link-ups!

I was thinking over the weekend about this post and what I've embraced this month and coming up empty -- until I realized I was totally missing the obvious. Is there any better way to embrace working remotely than working extra remotely and being able to travel on spring break with my daughter? I know I've sung the praises of working from home before and how it's enabled me to have such a better work/life balance. I know it's not for everyone and that some people like the physical separation between work and home, but it's been a major stress reliever for me to be able to do things like throw in a load of laundry, get out for a run, and pick up my daughter from school when it ends. I no longer feel like I am racing against the clock to get everything done in a day, which used to be a major source of stress to me. And even though I am still working my usual hours while we're here, I do get to enjoy some of the benefits of being on vacation, most notably the extra vitamin D I so desperately need at this time of year. An extra bonus is that I will not be stressed out when we get back because I will return to a pile of work waiting for me (a primary reason I so rarely take time off).

I'm truly very thankful that both technology and my employment situation enable me to work in a way that works so well for me. I also realize that it may not always be the case, so for now, I'm embracing every aspect of it.


  1. I think the reset of thinking about needing to be in a physical office to do work was the best thing to come out of Pandemic Living. A person who is less stressed, has a healthier state of mind is likely a more productive worker! I love that you are embracing remote working... from a new remote location! XO

  2. There are some things that the pandemic pointed out, and remote working is a big one. It's wonderful that you can embrace working extra remotely, enjoy the company of your family, the great FL weather, and hopefully some great eggplant parmigiana, all while getting work done!

  3. Although I retired nearly 9 years ago , in my last full time job I could work from home once a month. What a difference that made, including getting twice as much work done every day.

    1. Working from home was something that was only just starting to be allowed in the year prior to the pandemic, and I think it was really helpful as the parent of a young child who was home sick or due to a school closure.

  4. You 'picked' a great week to be there, Sarah! Wet and gray up this way!

  5. It has been an interesting journey and reminds us that we are all different and have different seasons. Good stuff to embrace

  6. I think it's wonderful how you have been able to embrace your remote working situation! I wish I could work remotely but being a Director of a Public Library doesn't really lend itself to it!

  7. I love working primarily from home…I have to go to locations to do some site-specific reviews and occasionally to my “office” to check for snail mail, but the flexibility working from home allows is wonderful!

    1. I think it would be nice to have a little variety from time to time! One thing that I really love about being at home is that it allows me the flexibility to get out for a walk or a run every day, so I'm not always sitting inside staring at a computer screen.

  8. You certainly have embraced working remotely and I admire you for that. Not everyone is able to make the change with such grace. I wonder if working remotely is easier for women than it is for men?

  9. I love the sense that "embracing" means intentionally finding joy, gratitude, space(? not sure you've seen that, but I do see that thread!) in things you might otherwise not. What a gift!

  10. What a great perspective! And it must be nice to not have to "pretend" to work when things are slow. I used to hate trying to look busy when there was simply nothing for me to do in the moment! And then feel guilty about reading a book on my computer or surfing the internet. I love that you've found a balance that works for you and are able to embrace it so fully!


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