
Friday, July 14, 2023

TGIF, Indeed

Happy Friday, friends. It's been a weird week here. My boss was off on Wednesday, which made it feel like a vacation day to me, and a couple of normal meetings were canceled, so my usual schedule was off. Then yesterday I went to get a breast MRI (per the new screening recommendations for those with dense tissue) right smack in the middle of the day, which meant a late lunch and a further disruption to the usual schedule. But we've made it to the end of the week, and today should be a typical day -- whatever that is these days!

Tour de Fleece is continuing, and I'm continuing to rack up the skeins. After spinning my most recent club shipment, I dug out the oldest one still in my house -- Weathered from December 2020 on 50/50 South African fine/mulberry silk. The colors weren't my favorite, which is why it's sat it my stash for so long. I decided to do a quick-and-dirty spin -- all on one bobbin, then wind it into a center-pull ball and ply from both ends. I split it in half lengthwise just to make it easier to draft, in theory, but struggled a lot with it because of that high silk content. Still, I have a full bobbin:

Provided work cooperates, I'll be plying it later today (considering I spun all the singles in just a little more than a day, I think plying in one day is a reasonable expectation).

I did sneak in a little sock knitting on Wednesday evening during my board meeting, and I'm now at the last stripe of leg before I start the heel flap on the second sock.

It would be great to finish this pair up before I leave on my trip next week so I can start a new pair to take with me. I'm actually probably going to only take sock knitting with me, as I think that will be the best kind of knitting for doing while socializing and will take up the least amount of space in my luggage (I'm hoping to go with just a carry-on on the way there, as I have a connection and don't want to end up with lost luggage).

I know I've mentioned my trip before, but in exchanging some emails with Carolyn yesterday, it occurred to me that I might not have given specifics. I'm headed to SSK -- formally the Super Summer Knitogether -- in Nashville. This is my second time going (I first attended back in 2017), and I'm very happy to be headed back. I'll be taking two classes, one on finishing knit toys with Sarah Schirra (of all things gnome fame) and one on color handling in spinning with Jillian Moreno, and also hope to take a trip to Parnassus Books while I'm in town. I'll be flying to Nashville on Wednesday (with a connection in Chicago) and coming home on Sunday. I'm sure I'll be pretty tired when I get home, both from the travel and the extroverting, but I'm really looking forward to it nonetheless. I will be taking my computer with me, but I don't know how much time I'll be spending online.

That's all she wrote for today. Hope you have a great end to your week and some wonderful things to look forward to this weekend!


  1. Have a great weekend, Sarah! What fun classes you have coming up!!

  2. Oooooo! I think Parnassas Books sounds like the most fun part of a VERY fun adventure!!!! ;-)

  3. That sounds like a wonderful trip to look forward to, and I'm excited about your "gnome class" and Parnassus!

  4. I think of you spinning each day as we watch the Tour. I don’t have any self-stripping yarn in my stash but each time I see those colorful socks I think of ordering some. Have a great trip

  5. I LOVE the colors in Weathered - they are so moody and winter-like. I'm swooning over them! Your trip sounds so exciting!! I think it's a good to keep your travel knitting simple - less to keep up with and think about! And knowing you, you'll have the pair finished by the time you get home and you'll have a wonderful reminder of your trip. I hope you can pick out a book or two at Parnassus as a souvenir. How fun!

  6. I LOVE that yarn - the silk just shines, you know? (and the colors ... all me!) Your trip is going to be so much fun!

  7. I hope you have a great time on your trip. "All of the extroverting," makes me smile and nod my head. Spinning with Jillian Moreno should be a special kind of class. Keep us posted when you return and have time to rest. The sock looks bright and cheerful.

  8. Beautiful socks and beautiful yarn you have spun. What a fun trip you will have and the classes sound perfect for you! Enjoy.


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