
Friday, January 31, 2025

Be the Tortoise

Raise your hand if you're glad it's finally Friday! It's felt like a very long week for some reason, even though it hasn't been particularly busy or stressful. I think it's something to do with going into the office -- it's such a hassle and continues to feel completely pointless to me. In any case, it's the end of the week and the end of the month, and I'm looking forward to sleeping past 6 the next couple of days.

I'd really hoped to have a finished sweater to share with you today, but as usual I have drastically underestimated the amount of time it takes to do a tubular bind-off. I did finish the knitting yesterday, even adding a couple extra rounds to make the bottom "ribbing" (it's brioche) a little longer than specified, but I only got about halfway through the bind-off. I will finish that today, giving it the time it needs, and then will weave in the ends and block it so that I can take some proper modeled shots this weekend.

Apologies for the terrible photo; it's supposed to rain all day, so we've got no good natural lighting.

As eager as I am to have this sweater finished, I know that any project of this magnitude is a marathon, not a sprint, and taking the time it needs will be worth it in the end.

We've got a fairly calm weekend ahead. Tomorrow we're going to a bat mitzvah (the daughter of family friends), and Sunday we'll have a family dinner, so I'll get to hang out with my niblings. I plan to focus on good things as much as possible, which I suppose is my general MO these days. I hope you can do the same.


  1. Love your mantra about being a turtle. I often think about snails!

    I'm so excited to see this sweater finished -- and so glad you're giving it the time it deserves. I hope you find lots of joy this weekend!

  2. We've got a gloomy day here too, but that sweater sure makes things brighter. You will be finished it in no time and I'm looking forward to the modeled shots! Glad you have an easy relaxing weekend Sarah - enjoy!

  3. It is rainy and misty here in the South Hills as well... The birds are happy, they are singing up a storm this morning! I think slow and steady will win the day with that sweater bind off! Have a great weekend!

  4. It's gorgeous, Sarah. And will be worth the extra time you're investing on that tubular bind off. (Which just takes so dang long . . . ) Enjoy the weekend, my friend.

  5. Your sweater is beautiful and it certainly deserves a little extra time to do things carefully. I'm looking forward to seeing modeled shots!
    P.S. I didn't go in to the office but this week felt interminably long to me, too. The Daily Chaos makes every day and week feel long. :(

  6. The tubular bind off is not for the weak but I know you will persevere and get it done. Have fun this weekend!

  7. I love the look of a tubular bind off, and it's so satisfying once complete, but I can hardly ever make myself actually do one! Enjoy sleeping in this weekend!

  8. I had one of those weeks when I kept thinking, “What day is it?” I am on the last bit of a sweater body and have been playing a lot with fabrics this week. We have rain and then possibly snow?

  9. That bind off is going to be the perfect finish for that beautiful sweater. Bonny is right, the daily chaos made this week feel as if it is going on forever. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. Your knitting looks lovely and neat, nice colourway too. Have a good weekend.


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