
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Unraveled, Week 5/2025

Good morning from a noticeably less frigid Pittsburgh! After last week's arctic chill, we are in the middle of a stretch of more temperate weather and are forecast to have highs above freezing all week. We've even had some sunshine! There's been a lot of melting going on (and a lot of associated moments of panic when we've heard loud thumps outside, only to realize a moment later that they're just slush and ice falling from the roof), and yesterday I even got outside for about an hour for my first real walking workout since losing the boot for good. My foot has been feeling good, but I'm feeling it in my shins and my hips, so clearly I am a little out of shape. As long as the weather stays relatively agreeable, I'll be going out more often.

I'm getting this Unraveled Wednesday update ready to go early because Molly's got a dentist appointment before school this morning that I need to take her to (seriously, don't moms always do all the doctor and dentist and orthodontist appointments?), so I'll be slurping down my coffee and running out of the house and then getting right to work when I get home. Here is where things stand as far as WIPs:

I've been pretty monogamous with my sweater for the past week or so, and you can see how much of the body I've gotten done as a result. I'm through all the waist shaping on it, and all that remains is maybe a dozen or so rounds of straight knitting, a round of decreases, and then the section of brioche at the bottom. It's looking more and more like it will be finished by the end of the week, barring any major work issues that keep me from knitting during the day. I hadn't touched the hat in a while, but it go a little attention yesterday when I was back in the office for the morning (yet again needlessly).

I've finished only one book this past week, but it was a pretty big one (almost 500 pages) and on paper, which means I'm usually only reading at night before bed and thus goes more slowly than a digital book often does.

My hardback copy of Same as It Ever Was came from a Little Free Library in the neighborhood -- the same magical one that's given me a lot of great books over the past couple of years. I didn't really know anything about the book other than that I'd heard the title and seen the cover around online. I don't know if it's because it took me so long to read it or because of the book/writing itself, but it felt like a bit of a slog to me. I didn't really like the main character and found myself wondering why, over the decades covered in the book, she didn't get herself some therapy. I thought the writing was good (though I think perhaps the author relies too much on em dashes, and that's saying something for someone who uses them frequently) and the characters were really well written, but I didn't love it. It was just an okay read for me. I gave it 3 stars.

Currently I am reading Small Rain from the library (digital) and The Penelopiad, which Molly just finished reading for English class, on paper. I've also finally caught up on my long backlog of podcasts -- which I typically listen to while running/walking outside -- and am ready for a new audiobook, which I'll probably start today.

Be sure to visit Kat's blog to see what she and the other Unravelers are up to!


  1. You are making good progress on your sweater! You will have lots of time to wear it yet this winter (hopefully... I mean, I know we have a warm up predicted for later this week but I hope that winter is not over quite yet!)

    I need to sit down today and make some headway in our next RWU book... I have started it but have not picked it up in a week or so!

  2. Your sweater is beautiful and moving right along! At least you had light-colored yarn to knit in poor office lighting. I remember reading Same As It Ever Was, but I don't remember anything about it. (That doesn't say much for the book or my memory!) I loved Small Rain and hope it's an enjoyable book for you, too.

  3. Well, yay for getting back to walking outside but boo for office visits! Your sweater is so pretty Sarah and you have made a lot of progress on it. Kat's comment reminds me that I want to read The Secret History for our Read With Us Group - I just requested that from my library. The Claire Lombardo book has gotten such great reviews...but your review and Bonny's comment make me wonder if I should bother or not (too many books and not enough time).

  4. Wow, look at that sweater flying off the needles! We're above freezing in central IL right now too, hopefully it lasts long enough for the sidewalks to finish melting!

  5. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Congratulations on the fantastic sweater progress! It looks so beautiful, the colours fit together perfectly - your whole plan worked out! :)

    (I haven't read "Same As It Ever Was", but thank you for mentioning that you thought the protagonist should have gotten therapy ... I personally find that I have no more patience for protagonists like that. (One of the reasons why I stopped reading "My Little Life", although definitely not the only one). I hope Molly's appointment went well!

  6. (above comment was me. ;) Sorry.)

  7. Your handspun jumper is inspiring me. I'm reading your blog from an empty office. I got out of bed and rode a bike for half an hour to sit here by myself. At least when I'm at home I've got cats for company.

  8. Erika7:47 PM

    Glad you were able to get out and walk! Your sweater is looking great. It’s always so inspiring to see people knit with handspun.

  9. Oh, look at that sweater. It's going to be so pretty when finished. Actually it is lovely as it appears. I'm anxious to see the brioche at the bottom. Isn't it nice to be able to get outdoors these days? Enjoy the thaw.

  10. The sweater is just lovely, Sarah. And you are making such quick progress with it! You'll be wearing it soon. Enjoy the warmer days. It's so nice to be able to get outside and not worry so much about the ice and cold, cold wind. XO

  11. Your sweater is really looking great! Some day (believe it or not) you will miss those trips to the dentist and doctor.

  12. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Your review of Same As It Ever Was is so affirming for me. I had the EXACT same thoughts and reactions. You know I love em dashes, too. And I feel like you generally are able to appreciate more books that are kind of a slog for me, so the fact that this one made the same impression on you says something. She absolutely needed therapy, as did literally every other significant character. It was astounding and frustrating and, frankly, made me wonder about the author. Much like reading Ann Patchett's "This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage" made me dislike her too much to read her work ever again (she stole someone's dog!) because I couldn't see beyond her own self-absorption.


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