Monday, that is. At least this one is a little easier to take than last week, but it's still cold and snowy here and frankly I'd much rather stay in bed. But seeing as I don't have that luxury, I might as well get the day started -- the sooner it starts, the sooner it'll be over!
The weekend was pretty calm. We got more snow overnight on Friday, so we convinced the Mister to drop us off and pick us up at the theater on Saturday afternoon so that we didn't have to park several blocks away and trudge through the snow. It actually worked out quite well because he's got a big all-company meeting for work this week, so he went to his office (right across the river) and did some prep for that while we were at the musical. And we enjoyed the show quite a bit.
This is a terrible photo because it was taken Saturday evening at home, with our overhead light on in the bedroom, but you can at least see that I got a few inches of my hat knit during the show. A woman sitting right behind us also tapped me on the shoulder when I got it out before it started, apologized for being nebby (that's Pittsburghese for "nosy"), and asked what it was I was making. I think that's the first time anyone has commented on my knitting at one of these shows!
We stayed in Saturday night and watched the first half of the Steelers/Ravens game (we turned it off at that point because it was just too depressing) and all went to bed at about the normal time -- we really know how to live it up, let me tell you! Yesterday morning, Molly and I did a big stock-up trip at Costco, and when we got home, she did some homework and I did some spinning!
I had not spun on my Lendrum since some time in October, so it took a little adjusting at first, but now everything is as it should be. I am spinning up the "kiddie pool" fiber from SSK back in 2023. This is now a tradition that was started some years back by Jillian Moreno. She brings an inflatable kids' pool, and anyone who wants to contribute brings some fiber that is split up into little bundles that are thrown into the pool and mixed up. Whatever amount you put in you get to take out, so if you put in 8 oz., you can take 8 oz. of mixed bits. Of course it's impossible to label all those little bundles, so you have no idea what you end up with other than most of it is probably wool of some sort. But there's likely to be various breeds, superwash and not, and different blends. I had started spinning a little of it right after I got back from SSK that year, but I didn't make it through even one little bit of fiber and ended up pulling the singles off my miniSpinner back in November so I could use it for my FDW holiday set. I weighed what was left and am going to spin three bobbins of singles to ply together. I'm spinning at random, so I could end up with something really fabulous or I could end up with mud. Either way, it should be fun!
Steve turned off the game at about the same time, lol. Sigh. Better luck next year! I am happy to see you spinning on your Lendrum again! It must feel fantastic! What bright colors as well!
ReplyDeleteHappy Monday!
My college roommate was from Pittsburgh, so I quickly learned "nebby" and "redd up". I'm not sure if "dippy eggs" is Pittsburghese or used only by my roommate. I'm looking forward to seeing your spinning results!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you enjoyed the show, Sarah. But Costco on a Saturday sounds like a nightmare to me. . . ;-)
ReplyDeleteLooking at what Kym wrote - Costco seems like a nightmare to me ANY day of the week!! Those look like DayGlo colors you are spinning! Could end up being a lot of fun. I'm hoping to find time to cast on a hat today!!
ReplyDeleteYour spin yarn is just beautiful! Welcome back to all the things and a healed foot.
ReplyDeleteOh, man, Costco on a Sunday? I admire your bravery! I love that kiddie pool idea for fiber, that sounds so fun and I think your spinning is off to a great start. Happy Monday!
ReplyDeletehappy Monday! I was hoping to see your sweater with the sleeves and body split ... maybe Wednesday? Love to see you spinning again - was the break from the Lendrum because of your foot?
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely Saturday afternoon. And hurrah for getting back to spinning - it looks gorgeous so far!
ReplyDeleteYou sound quite happy to be back to spinning. You have some fun color and fiber to ease you back into it. Your week is off to a good start.
ReplyDeleteI love the green and yellow that's spinning up! Can't wait to see what the rest of the fiber looks like!