It is a cold Monday morning here. As I type this, the air temperature here is 9ºF, and that is warm relative to how cold it will be the next couple of days (the predicted low for tomorrow is -2ºF and for Wednesday -9ºF -- and that is just the air temperature and doesn't take wind chill into account). I am off from work today in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day -- and that is what I am choosing to observe today. Like many of you, I'm sure, I'm choosing not to watch the inauguration, and I'm also trying not to think about the celebration we'd hoped to have today. Today, and the next four years, will be hard, but I'm not letting anyone take away my hope or my joy -- and focusing on those things is how I will be spending today.
For starters, I'm going to be enjoying this bonus day with my family. We are all off today, and the weather means we're not going to be going out, so we'll be able to enjoy each other's company. I'm planning to spend the day doing things that bring me joy: exercising, reading, crafting, and cooking. On the top of my list is finishing up the second sleeve of my handspun sweater and getting started on the body:
The last time you saw the sweater, I was not quite this far along on the first sleeve. I got a lot done this past weekend. On Saturday afternoon, while Molly and I were watching the first of the playoff football games, I finished the cuff of the first sleeve and got started on the second. By the time I put it down last night, I think I had two decreases left to complete on the second. I'm feeling pretty confident that I can finish the rest before the end of the day.
Another thing that brings me joy? Spinning. Over the weekend I finished the second bobbin of singles and started on the third:
I'm so excited to see what this yarn will look like when it's plied that it's spurring me to spin it faster. I've been spinning while reading a library book the past couple of days, and treadling has been feeling more like it used to, which is reassuring.
There is a lot of bad in the world right now, but I'm trying to focus on the good and what I can do to make things better, even in just a small way. To that end, I want to leave you with a quote that came to me via Clara Parkes's Daily Respite (to which I know many of you may also subscribe, so apologies if this is something you've already seen today):
"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final
word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger
than evil triumphant."
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A beautiful quote and very appropriate for today. I will take my lead from you and focus on what is good and right in the world. Because it still exists.
ReplyDeleteWhen you focus on the good, today is actually pretty joyful! Lovely sweater sleeves, beautiful spinning, all done while the whole family is home together in a nice, warm house. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteLooking for the good today and every day for the next four years and beyond. It might not always be obvious but I believe it's always there if we look for it.
ReplyDeleteI'm sending you a big hug. I have been thinking "May God have mercy on America" for a while, and you DO get to vote for the senate? in two years, so good luck!! I love your quote - Oscar Wilde said something similar, I think: "“Everything is going to be fine in the end.
ReplyDeleteIf it's not fine it's not the end.”
I absolutely LOVE the colours of your sweater - and your spinning is super beautiful! I'm really curious how the finished yarn will look, but for now, this is beautiful progress! (I'm also glad that you could have a day in with your family and be together).
I like the yarn colourway, it'll be interesting to see how it knits up.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, let's focus on the good. Does that handspun sweater fly off the needles? Your spinning has such fun colors. I did some hand stitching today and felt quite a sense of solidarity and comfort. MLK Jr. certainly was eloquent. I've seen a number of his quotes today - all thoughtful and life giving.
ReplyDeleteI did see that quote from Clark yesterday, but it's certainly worth seeing again (and again). Your handspun sweater is coming along nicely Sarah and I'm sure yesterday added a bunch to it! Stay warm and bundle up if you choose to go out to walk!
ReplyDeleteClara...not Clark....grrrrr
DeleteThat quote is exactly what I needed this morning as I closed out of email to avoid all the "breaking news" (and yes, I realize the privilege I have to be able to do that... I will return to the news, but not today.) Your sweater is coming along fabulously! (and it is 1000% sweater weather in our neighborhood this week!)
ReplyDeleteFinding our joy is so important right now, that's what gives us the energy to do what we can to take care of each other.