
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I had the best of intentions when I pulled out the yarn for Rainbow's sweater last week. I was all set to cast on Sunday night after spinning all weekend, but then I checked my e-mail and saw a message from a friend (who also happens to be the manager of my LYS) in which she asked if I was available to knit a shop sample. So I am postponing the sweater for about a week while I knit up a quick lace scarf.

This is the Thinking of You Scarf from HeartStrings FiberArts. The designer is quite active in the designers group on Ravelry (where I mostly lurk), so it's quite exciting to be knitting one of her patterns. The yarn that was provided for the scarf is Berrocco Vintage, which I used for the striped baby blanket. I'd forgotten how much I like it. Normally I don't much care for acrylics, but there's enough wool in this yarn to make it not squeaky, and it's very soft.

I started the scarf on Sunday evening and I'm already about halfway through it, so I anticipate that this will be done and delivered by this weekend -- meaning that I will be casting on for the sweater for Rainbow very soon!


  1. I like Vintage too. It knits up so nicely.

  2. I like Vintage too, but I'm far more wary of it after two people have had it vomit nylon during the washing process. I wish it wasn't so hard to find a good natural fiber/easy care combo.


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