
Sunday, September 02, 2012

Wheel on Fire

I have been a spinning machine the past few days. I finished up the last bobbin of singles and plied up the first skein Friday night:

It was a bit skimpy on yardage (only 193 yards; I was hoping for a little more than 200), but that's because the bobbin that ran out first had singles that were probably a thicker in grist than the others. The second skein was plied up last night and skeined and washed this afternoon (with yardage likely to be more than 200). The third skein is nearly finished being plied, and the fourth should get done tomorrow. There will be a fifth skein, too, of all the leftovers; I've been stopping when one of my three bobbins' worth runs out and tossing the leftovers aside for the time being, so when I'm done with the rest, I'll combine them all into one last skein.

Tomorrow is, sadly, the last day of my five-day weekend, and while I'm sorry to have to go back to work, I'm very happy with how productive I've been despite being on sole parent duty for two days and spending much of today dealing with a family funeral (the Mister's 89-year-old grandmother -- not entirely unexpected, but it meant a house full of family). As much as I like having a job, sometimes I really wish I could spend all my days at home with my yarn!


  1. I think I've said it before, but oh, I love that colour!

  2. Anonymous5:28 PM

    That yarn is gorgeous!


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