
Monday, March 25, 2024

Better in 2024: March

It's the last Monday in March, and that means it's time for a One Little Word check-in. Thanks to Carolyn for hosting our monthly link-ups!

If last month was about physically healing, then this month was about being Better about being mindful and aware so that I don't hurt myself again. Really focusing on being present in the moment is something I've given the Mister a hard time about for years (he's always got his mind on work and often misses what's in front of him), but if I'm being honest, I'm not always so good about doing it myself. It's very easy for me to get lost in thought when I'm doing something that I've done so many times that it's automatic, and aside from the potential to get hurt (as was the case with my fall last month), it also means that I may be missing out on seeing and experiencing things.

Case in point: In the development where my parents' house is in Florida, there's a paved sidewalk that makes a big loop. If I go out to this loop, go around once, and come back to their house, it's just a bit more than 6 miles. I don't have to think about where to turn; I just follow the path. I have to pay enough attention to not get hit by a car when I cross streets or not to trip on some uneven spots, but otherwise I can get lost in my thoughts or what I'm listening to. But not paying attention to my surroundings means I'm missing out on the beauty around me. There is so much blooming at this time of year. There are so many birds we don't have at home or that are rare there. I've seen a woodpecker just about every day I've been out (two yesterday alone!). There are all sorts of lizards scurrying about. And of course there are other walkers and runners and sometimes dogs. I'm not quite to the point where I'm just walking or running to silence (I still need something engaging in my ears), but I think I'm doing a much better job of actually seeing what's in front of me and appreciating it.


  1. I used to reprimand the kids for trying to do too many things at a time and not paying attention to any of them, like having multiple tabs open on the computer, listening to music, chatting with friends, all while they were supposedly doing their homework. You're much more successful at getting better!

  2. It is so easy to get lost in thoughts when doing something by rote, isn't it? Yet, as you point out, it is also so easy to miss things when you are not mindful or paying attention. It looks like you are getting better at paying attention and being mindful.

  3. Oh my... this is so so spot on Sarah! YES! It is so easy to "tune out" and not see what is happening around us. I am glad you are finding ways to "tune in"!!

  4. I chuckled a bit, I'll admit...sounds like we point out something similar to our Misters...! And then both find ourselves doing the same! (Gosh, I hate it when that happens :) )Truly, though. Wouldn't it be interesting/scary/insightful to see a brain scan of all that's on our minds in any given moment -- then contrast it to what's happening in the space around us? I often blame it on season of life and the moving parts I feel compelled to manage. But I fear it's simply become a habit.
    Your application of 'Better' this month is a wise one for all!

  5. Better is a great word! Remember to watch out for the gators while you're down there!

  6. I take my camera with me to make sure I pay attention to what I do on a walk.I do get distracted by having the radio on when I do chores.

    1. Funny, I find that listening to something while I do chores helps me to stay focused on them -- otherwise I can procrastinate! But if I'm listening to something interesting, I keep going because I want to keep listening.

  7. ooohhh I LOVE the connection between Better and (being) Present! and I've really enjoyed all the glimpses of Florida's March you've shared. Curious if there are alligators in the pond with the fountain? the one near my folks' old house had one and it scared the $#@$@#%$ out of me (that was when I was walking Holly and she would've made such a tasty snack)!

  8. Very insightful, Sarah! It seems counter to the way we live our lives these days, but I've discovered that when I slow down (and do less or do things slower), I pay more attention and notice more (hearing, seeing) and reflect/think more, too. I think that's a great way to . . . be better . . . all around! XO

  9. Your reflections about being present and being better are thoughtful. It's wonderful you are able to enjoy the flora and fauna in Florida. I imagine the birding is very interesting.

  10. I love your reflections here. When I used to run, I always listened to music. The beat helped my pace but I didn’t need to listen in the same way as with a book so I was able to look around more.

  11. I have a tendency to get lost in my thoughts, too, so I understand the challenge of staying present. I think it's great that you are actively considering all of this and tying it to your word.


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