
Friday, March 15, 2024

No Such Thing as a Day Off

Good morning and happy Friday, friends! Technically I am on vacation today -- it's spring break week at the university, and staff always get the Friday of spring break week off as a holiday. But I have so much to do today that it may as well be a normal workday. I got up at the normal time to get Mo to a 7:30 orthodontist appointment (fast once she was called back, and she doesn't have to go back for eight weeks), and now I have a list of things to do before I go to pick her and her friend up from school and we head for the airport. I really don't want to come home to a pile of laundry and other chores to do, so yesterday I did a couple of loads of laundry and today I'm doing sheets and towels and cleaning bathrooms. The weather is pretty crummy, gray and rainy, so I'm going to postpone my run until tomorrow, but it should clear up later today.

That rain did make it hard to take a decent photo, so please excuse this shot of my Bereket in progress:

I've finished the first sleeve section and started working back and forth on the first textured section. I did the first row of what the designer calls bobbles but what I'd call welts, which take a bit of time to do but are really fun to look at. I'm sure I messed up a few, but I don't think you can really tell with the texture of the yarn. This project is coming with me on the trip, as is my Hitchhiker, the new design (not yet cast on), and yarn for a pair of socks just in case. I'm fairly certain that should be sufficient, especially because next week will be a busy one at work.

And now I'd better get back to my to-do list. I hope you have a great weekend, and I'll see you back here on Monday with some progress photos from Florida!


  1. Safe travels!! Will you be working next week while in FL? A run tomorrow in FL sounds much better than a rainy one in western PA!! I love the looks of those welts (I really enjoy knitting bobbles, so I imagine I would like doing welts also).

  2. That sweater is already looking so good!

  3. Vacation is nice once you're actually on the plane, but sometimes all the getting-ready-to-go made me wonder if it was worth it. Hopefully, you'll have knitting time along with time to simply enjoy some lovely FL weather. Safe travels!

  4. That looks like a fun knit going on there. And I do hope you get a breather next week! So much to enjoy. Wishing you easiest of travels!

  5. The sweater has an interesting construction. I'm with Bonny, sometimes getting oneself and traveling companion(s) out the door is quite a production. It does sound like you have your knitting sorted out and ready to go. I hope all goes smoothly with your flights.

  6. Just found your blog via Mereknits, I like the look of the textured section. All the best with packing, prepping and travels. Cathy

  7. I so can relate to your post today, my days off are like that more often than I care for. I’m with Jane, very interesting construction on your sweater and I look forward to seeing it finished. Have a wonderful day and safe travels!

    1. This is definitely the most unusual construction I've ever experienced in a sweater, and it's really keeping me engaged.

  8. Can't wait to see how that sweater progresses. Wishing you safe and happy travels!

  9. It's too late to wish you safe travels so instead I will wish you a fun and relaxing spring break!

  10. May your week be not so busy at work so you can enjoy some time with family!


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