It's been a very strange month, with much going on at work and at home and with three seasons' worth of weather. But, for a change, April has felt like it was truly a month long, and I was not terribly surprised to find it the last Monday of the month today. As per usual, it's time for my monthly One Little Word check-in, with thanks to Carolyn for hosting our monthly link-ups.
Monday, April 29, 2024
Better in 2024: April
Friday, April 26, 2024
Did They Sneak In an Extra Day?
I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel like it should have already been Friday a day or two ago -- it's been a long week! In addition to the evening events at the beginning of the week, this week has also seen the final preparations for commencement (which is this weekend) at work, so I am more than ready for the weekend. We have nothing on the schedule this weekend, either, so we'll be able to sleep in and recharge.
I've mainly been focusing on one project the last couple of days, and that's my socks. Last night I finished up the first one except for the heel; I plan to do both heels at the end.
I have already cast on the second sock, too. It won't match, but I'm hoping I can at least get the stripe location to match even if the colors won't.
That's about all I've got in my for today -- if you want an indication of how long this week has been for me, I'll tell you that nearly forgot to make coffee this morning because I hadn't yet had my coffee! If you aren't already aware of it, I did want to mention that tomorrow is Independent Bookstore Day, so if you have an indie store near you, you might want to drop in tomorrow and show them some love. I will be back on Monday with my One Little Word update for April. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Poetry in April: Poem in My Pocket
We have arrived at the final Thursday in April, so this is my last installment of poetry for this year's observance of National Poetry Month. The theme this week is "Poem in My Pocket" -- in other words, a poem is that is short enough to fit on a small piece of paper in your pocket, just in case you wanted to have it on you to share with someone you meet. When I think of short poems, often the first things that come to mind are haikus and limericks, but I think a free-verse poem that is short is often quite effective, saying something powerful with few words. So that's what I went for with my selection.
A Name
When Eve walked among
the animals and named them --
nightingale, red-shouldered hawk,
fiddler crab, fallow deer --
I wonder if she ever wanted
them to speak back, looked into
their wide wonderful eyes and
whispered, Name me, name me.
"A Name" from The Carrying: Poems, (c) 2018, Milkweed Editions
Thank you for sharing this annual celebration of poetry with us this month! Be sure to visit, Kym, Kat, and Bonny one last time today for their selections!
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Unraveled, Week 17/2024
What a week it has been -- and we've only reached the midpoint! I'm happy to report that our Seder went well, even if it was an exhausting night. The little ones all reached their breaking point before we reached the meal portion of the evening, so we were down to a dozen people around the table fairly quickly. Because we had started so early, we had finished dessert and said goodnight by around 8, and by 9 we had finished doing all the dishes and put away the extra tables and chairs. I'm pretty sure we all fell asleep very quickly Monday night. And then last night Mo and my mother went to Seder at my brother and sister-in-law's house (they also hosted their next-door neighbors) while the Mister and I attended an event with Baratunde Thurston hosted by our local PBS station. I'd say we're all looking forward to having a normal evening tonight!
Monday, April 22, 2024
Totally Different
Remember last week, when I told you I'd finished my sweater but that the weather had gotten so warm that I didn't think I'd have a chance to wear it until the fall? I think the universe must have heard me, because we had a frost advisory this weekend, and yesterday it was chilly enough that I could actually wear my sweater without overheating. I took the opportunity to have my Official Photographer take some glamour shots.
Pattern: Bereket (Ravelry link) by Ainur Berkimbayeva, size 1 (to fit 35 in. bust)
Yarn: my handspun Rambouillet, spun back in the summer of 2020! -- I used approximately 958 yards
Needles: US 5 (3.75 mm)
Friday, April 19, 2024
Looking for Normal
Happy Friday, friends. It's been a very long week. All week I've been feeling off -- slightly spacey, more tired than usual -- and then feeling more anxious because of it. First I thought it was just because I haven't been sleeping well (because of snoring, then noise from having the windows open, then an unexpected iPad alarm in the middle of the night), and that's certainly adding to it, but I think part of it is also allergies. I mentioned earlier in the week that I've been getting off of allergy medication; I had been taking cetirizine (Zyrtec) for a long time and had tried to get off it twice before, but each time I failed because I suffered from intense, full-body itching. It was so bad that I ended up with bruises all over my body just from scratching. So for months now I've been tapering off my dose, and after taking a quarter of a pill (just 2.5 mg!), I went off entirely last week. I had the itching again this time around, and the bruising, but I've made it through this time. It's now been more than a week since I had any of this drug in my system, and while I'm still a little itchy from time to time, it's much more manageable. But -- not taking an allergy pill daily, after taking it for several years, means that the allergies have come back in full force, on top of which it seems to be a particularly bad year of pollen. So I suppose it's not surprising that I'm feeling weird! I think getting a bit caught up on sleep will help, and I hope that will happen this weekend.
Sorry if all that is TMI! I am happy to report that my sweater is done and has been blocked, but you'll have to wait until Monday to see it modeled. In the meantime, I've started two new projects -- a pair of socks and a colorwork cowl that's a new design -- and have made a bit of progress on both.
I didn't intentionally choose yarns that had some colors in common, but it's always a happy coincidence when that happens. I may need to cast on something else because Mo and I have tickets to see Company tomorrow and neither of these projects can be worked on without looking (I'm slipping every other stitch on the first round of the color change on the socks for a little fun, but that requires being able to see the color change).
Before I can get to any of that, though, I've got to get through a day of work and a pile of laundry. Here's hoping everyone has a restful weekend!
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Poetry in April: About Color
Today is the third Thursday of the National Poetry Month, and this week we're sharing poems about color. When I think about color right now, I think about all the spring flowers that are blooming and the trees and shrubs pushing out new growth. The colors of spring are always the treat that makes getting through the gray months of winter worth it. So I found this poem, which made me think of what I have seen growing in my neighborhood and also about how Mother Nature is the most talented artist of all.
by Sujata Bhatt
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Unraveled, Week 16/2024
Phew, what a week it has been already! We have had two gorgeous days of above-normal temperatures and sunshine, but today the rain has returned. We're having the wettest April on record here, and I am thankful that we don't have any flooding issues where we live (that is one perk of having a ravine at the end of your street!). Yesterday I went for my normal walk and then had to walk in to campus to pick up my new ID (my old one expired two years ago, oops) and to meet a coworker for coffee, so I certainly got my dose of vitamin D. But I'm currently "detoxing" from long-term use of my allergy medication, so with the nicer weather there has also been a lot of sneezing and itchy eyes, so at least the rain will wash away some of the pollen.
It's Wednesday, which means it's time to join up with Kat and the Unravelers. I'd hoped to have an FO to share today, but all that walking yesterday meant less knitting time. I'm getting very close, though!
![]() |
Please excuse the mess behind me, including the chicken. |
If I were following the pattern exactly, my Bereket would already be done; it calls for seven rounds of twisted ribbing at the bottom hem before binding off. But that would also result in a very cropped sweater and an awkward length, and as I had (and still have) plenty of yarn remaining, I decided to just keep going with it. I've just joined another skein of yarn, my smallest one of the bunch, and plan to keep knitting until I've basically used it all up. I think that should get me to a length that's much more comfortable for me. Looking at the weather forecast for the week ahead, it's unlikely that I'll be really comfortable wearing a wool sweater of any length in the near future. I can't help but think that I've brought on the warm weather by nearly finishing it, though!
This is my only project of any kind at the moment -- I know! -- but I've got a board meeting tonight which requires some mindless knitting to help me stay engaged, so I will likely be starting a new pair of socks. I've pulled out this skein of self-striping from my SSK goodies from last year to wind up. It's a Targhee/nylon blend, which makes delightfully squishy socks.
Reading has been good but not as plentiful lately, and that's mainly because Mo has wanted to watch Downton Abbey every chance we get, so there's more TV than reading in the evenings. But I've finished two good books in the last week.
First, I listened to From Scratch: A Memoir of Love, Sicily, and Finding Home, which is read by the author (something I always enjoy when listening to a memoir). Tembi Locke tells how she met her husband, a Sicilian chef, while studying abroad; their struggles to have a child and, later, with his battle with a rare cancer; their complicated relationship with his family due to their interracial marriage; and, finally, her husband's death and how she, their daughter, and his mother created a new family for themselves. There is a lot of grief and sadness in this book, but there's also an immense amount of love and of personal growth -- not to mention a lot of food! I haven't yet watched it, but there's also now a Netflix series inspired by the book. I gave this one 4 stars.
Martyr! is a relatively new release that's fairly hard to classify. Its main character, Cyrus Shams, came to the United States with his father from Iran as a child after his mother was killed when a U.S. Navy ship mistook a commercial airliner for a fighter plane. After battling addiction and dealing with the loss of his father while in college, he is now sober and struggling to find some meaning in his life. So he turns to the stories of martyrs, those whose deaths have meaning or significance. And then he hears about an artist who has turned her terminal cancer diagnosis into an art exhibit in New York, and meeting her turns his world upside down. I can't help but think that this novel is probably quite a bit autobiographical; it's certainly informed by the author's background and experience (he, like Cyrus, is a poet, and that's readily apparent in how he writes). It's at turns sad, funny, and poignant. It's not a book that will appeal to everyone, but I really enjoyed it and found it to be really fresh and original. I gave it 4 stars.Monday, April 15, 2024
For the Bird(s)
Somehow Monday mornings are harder when you've had a long weekend -- or maybe it's just because a certain someone woke me up with his snoring at about 4:30 this morning. In any case, I'm dragging a bit, but I'm enjoying my second big cup of coffee (to which I added a splash of hazelnut syrup just because), and I'm sure I'll get moving soon enough.
It was very nice to have the extra day over the weekend. Friday was indeed a washout, so we put off our shopping trip and instead I got my usual Saturday chores done a day early. We also spent some time watching Downton Abbey; Mo recently discovered that she now enjoys watching period dramas after she got hooked on The Gilded Age with me, so she requested that we watch Downton next. She was way too young for it when it was originally on, and I haven't watched it in years, so we are enjoying starting from the beginning. We're already into Season 2 -- I'd forgotten how few episodes were in each season!
We did end up doing our shopping trip on Saturday and were very successful. The main objective was finding a dress for Mo for a school dance that's this coming Friday night, but we also have a family bat mitzvah next month. Mo found three dresses -- two party dresses and one that she's planning to wear for her middle school graduation -- and I found three as well. Two of them were on the clearance rack and on sale for amazing prices! I wasn't necessarily planning to shop for me, but what I found all fit perfectly and was too good of a deal to pass up (plus I probably needed some new dresses!).
When I wasn't cleaning or shopping this weekend, I was working on a chicken. (Yes, you read that correctly.) And it's done!
This is the ubiquitous Emotional Support Chicken that everyone seems to be knitting right now. When I bought the pattern, I originally intended to knit one for myself, and I still do, but this first one is for my nephew for his upcoming first birthday.
I know some of you were interested in some feedback on the pattern, and having now knit it, I can understand why there was some concern. Although I didn't have any trouble following it, I can think of many ways I would improve how the pattern is written. There isn't a ton of consistency; sometimes it says "Step 1, Step 2," and sometimes it says "Row 1, Row 2," so there's that. It's also not always indicated which side is the right and and which is the wrong side. And to add to all of this, there are a lot of short rows, which I know not everyone is comfortable with. But I have enough experience that I could see what needed to be done and how it was shaped, so I didn't have any issues. I do have in mind some adjustments for my next chicken, though, and I'll certainly detail my modifications when I make my own. For this initial chicken, the only change I made was to leave off the wattle. I did make it, but Mo and I both agreed that it looked awkward and was likely to get pulled off by a toddler who doesn't know his own strength.
As far as the specs go, I used all Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Cotton Worsted that was leftover from an earlier project. I used a total of 234 yards, and I believe the colors I used are Bone, Dandelion, and Mediterranean (the tags are long gone). I used a US 7/4.5 mm needle and worked at a slightly tighter-than-specified gauge; I think I will likely use an even smaller needle for my next chicken to ensure that the fabric is tight enough. This yarn is rather robust for a worsted, plus with a cotton I didn't want to make the fabric too tight, so the called-for needle size worked well to make sure the stuffing didn't show through. And speaking of stuffing, I can see that I need to work on my stuffing technique a bit because this chicken is looking a little lumpy! One thing I did do that's not in the pattern is add some poly pellets for some weight; they're sewn up in some fabric so they don't escape and cause a potential choking hazard.
Now that the chicken is out of the way, I've turned back to my Bereket sweater, and I hope to have another FO to share with you later this week. But for now, I've got to get my work day started. Have a good start to your week!
Friday, April 12, 2024
Gone Afoul
Happy Friday from a very wet Pittsburgh! I am technically "on vacation" today, both because I was bumping up against my accrual limit and because Mo is off from school today and we wanted to have a girls' day. We had planned to go to a mall and do some shopping, but we had a lot of rain move through yesterday, resulting in a lot of flash flooding around the area, so I think we will put that off until the weekend and instead have a quiet day indoors. Frankly, that's just fine with me, as I am a bit obsessed with my current project:
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Poetry in April: Ross Gay
It's Thursday again, and that means it's time for another installment of poetry! This week we are all sharing poems by Ross Gay. I've chosen to share the one I haven't stopped thinking about since I read it two weeks ago. It's a long one, but I hope you'll read it all and enjoy it as much as I did.
You're right, you're right,
the fertilizer's good--
it wasn't a gang of dullards
came up with chucking
a fish in the planting hole
or some midwife got lucky
with the placenta--
oh, I'll plant a tree here!--
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Unraveled, Week 15/2024
It's Wednesday again, so it's time to join up with Kat and the Unravelers! I'll give you one guess as to what's on my needles this week.
The exciting news is that I'm ready to bind off the second sleeve! So all that stands between me and a finished sweater is the neck ribbing and the ribbing at the bottom of the body. But I have quite a lot of yarn remaining, so I think I am going to add some more length to the body because the sweater is quite cropped as written.
I will likely be starting a chicken soon, if only because I'm craving some color other than brown. Also, you all know what I'm not typically a monogamous knitter, and as much as I'm enjoying working on this sweater, I need a little variety.
Despite feeling like I've been doing a lot of reading this past week, I've only finished one book, but at least it was a good one!
You may remember that I started reading There Are Rivers in the Sky, Elif Shafak's forthcoming novel, back when Mo and I were in Florida, but I paused when a library hold came in. Once I could get back to it, though, I was hooked. This novel follows three characters in three different timelines: Arthur, born into poverty in Dickens's London; Narin, a Yazidi girl living in Turkey with her father and grandmother in 2014; and Zaleekhah, a water scientist recently separated from her husband in London in 2018. These three seem entirely unrelated, but their lives all find a connection in water and in the culture of ancient Mesopotamia. Arthur finds success in being able to read cuneiform tablets unearthed by archaeologists and finds his life's passion in translating the epic poem of Gilgamesh. Narin, whose mother died and whose father travels for work, suffers from an illness that is rapidly taking her hearing, and as the Turkish government is planning construction that threatens to flood the village where she lives, her grandmother is determined to take her to an ancient holy city in Iraq to be baptized. Zaleekhah is trying to make a home on a rented houseboat and reflecting on the work of her late mentor, whose theory that water could retain memory destroyed his professional reputation, and of the rivers that have been buried over the centuries. Connecting these three storylines are the themes of memory, of hatred that arises from misunderstanding, and of the many important roles that water plays in life as well as the dual nature of all humans -- that even those who create beauty or knowledge are still capable of cruelty. I really enjoyed this book, though I found the characters to be a little flat and underdeveloped and would have liked to have gotten to know them better. I gave it 4 stars.I am still reading Martyr! and also have started an audiobook from my TBR, From Scratch, as well as another ARC, Long Island Compromise.
What are you making and reading this week?
Monday, April 08, 2024
Rested and Eclipse Ready
Happy Eclipse Day! We are not in the path of totality here, but we'll see something like 97% coverage here (assuming the clouds don't roll in). The timing coincides perfectly with school pick-up, so Mo and I have a plan to meet on a side street near her school to watch it from there.
The weekend was relaxing, which I needed. I did have to get up to an alarm on Saturday because I had to go get some routine bloodwork done and needed to be fasting, but I had nothing else on the schedule and was able to get in a couple of good walks and lots of knitting time. Yesterday was an absolutely gorgeous day. It started off a little cold, but the sky was clear and the sun was warm. We had the blinds up on the sliding glass doors in our family room all afternoon so we could get all of that beautiful sunshine in the house. Mo and I watched the women's NCAA championship game in the afternoon, and I got a ton of work done on my sweater:
I'm in the home stretch now! I'm working decreases on every round of the sleeve for a while, so the stitch count is going to go down rapidly. Once the sleeve is done, all that's left to do is the neckline and the bottom hem. I still have plenty of yarn, and I may make the body a little longer than called for because of it.
Today I have a special guest keeping me company:
My brother was concerned that the dog walker might come to take him out during the eclipse (yes, he's a little overprotective), so he's staying with me while he and my sister-in-law are at work. We also have some workmen coming today to fix an issue with our sliding glass doors, so there will be lots of excitement around the house. The only real difference this will make for me is that I'll move my "office" downstairs for the day.
Hope your week is off to a good start and, if you're near the path of totality, you're able to see the eclipse today!
Friday, April 05, 2024
A Soggy End to the Week
Thursday, April 04, 2024
Poetry on Thursday, 2024 Edition
As I mentioned yesterday, April is National Poetry Month, and to commemorate it, Bonny, Kat, Kym, and I are once again going to be sharing poems with you every Thursday this month. Each week has a theme or featured poet, and for this first Thursday, we are sharing poems about peace and/or humanity. This is a very timely theme, in my opinion, because the current conflict in Israel and Gaza is never far from my mind. Though I don't claim to have any expertise in diplomacy, I firmly believe that a very key step toward ending conflict is seeing the humanity of those we might view as our adversaries. With that in mind, I picked a poem to share this week that beautifully illustrates how much more we have in common one another than we might realize.
Perhaps the World Ends Here
by Joy Harjo
The world begins at a kitchen table. No matter what, we must eat to live.
The gifts of earth are brought and prepared, set on the table. So it has been since creation, and it will
go on.
We chase chickens or dogs away from it. Babies teethe at the corners. They scrape their knees under it.
It is here that children are given instructions on what it means to be human. We make men at it, we make
At this table we gossip, recall enemies and the ghosts of lovers.
Our dreams drink coffee with us as they put their arms around our children. They laugh with us as our
poor falling-down selves and as we put ourselves back together once again at the table.
This table has been a house in the rain, an umbrella in the sun.
Wars have begun and ended at this table. It is a place to hide in the shadow of terror. A place to celebrate
the terrible victory.
We have given birth on this table, and have prepared our parents for burial here.
At this table we sing with joy, with sorrow. We pray of suffering and remorse. We give thanks.
Perhaps the world will end at the kitchen table, while we are laughing and crying, eating of the last
sweet bite.
Wednesday, April 03, 2024
Unraveled, Week 14/2024
Is it really already Wednesday? Yesterday was so busy that it passed in a blink, so I feel like I'm a bit behind. But I'm here in time to join Kat and the Unravelers for our weekly update on making and reading.
Now that the socks are finished, I find myself a monogamous knitter (don't worry friends; I don't anticipate the situation to stay this way for long). Coming back home to cooler temperatures has made me want to finish my Bereket in time to wear it once or twice before it's packed away for the summer, so I've been giving it a fair amount of attention. I can officially say now that I've passed the halfway mark because I have completed the front and back short-rowed section and have just joined the two pieces again to begin working on the textured portion for the left side.
The short rows are really quite clever in shaping this triangular middle section of the sweater, and even though I goofed up somewhere and ended up with an extra stitch on the front, I made it work by skipping one increase called for in the joining row. I hope that now that I'm repeating the stitches I've already done and also will be decreasing that this side of the sweater will go a bit faster. And I'm still only on my second ball of yarn, so I'm pretty confident there will be no game of yarn chicken at the end of this project.
I've done quite a lot of reading in the last week, thanks in large part to travel. I have finished three books, one of them the length of at least two!
We had a little delay on our flight home, and frankly there's not much to do at the Ft. Myers airport, so Mo and I parked ourselves at the gate, where she played around on her phone and I read. I had maybe 50 pages left in Iron Flame by the time we got on the plane, so I made quick work of finishing it up. Although the second book in the series was compelling, I didn't like it as well as the first one, probably mostly because it was just too darn long and felt like it needed some judicious editing. I reached a point in the middle where I was pretty much done with it, but I'd gotten far enough that I was committed to finishing. Fortunately, even though it's long, it's not the kind of book that requires deep thought or slow reading. I really couldn't keep track of the military organization or even all of the characters, and I found that I didn't really care. It was an okay diversion; I gave it 3 stars.Monday, April 01, 2024
Showers, Right On Schedule
There will be no April Fool's jokes from me today (but I will share that in French, the term is "poisson d'avril," or "April fish"). However, Mother Nature seems to be taking the old saying "April showers bring May flowers" to heart this year, because it's raining and will continue raining for most of this week, with a possibility of some mixed-in snow showers at the end of the week. In the words of toddler Mo, "No like it!"
We did have a nice, but busy weekend. Services on Friday night were really lovely, but it ended up being a late night because we decided to go out to dinner afterwards and of course had a wait. Thankfully we all slept in Saturday morning. Mo and I thoroughly enjoyed Mamma Mia on Saturday afternoon -- apparently this national tour is celebrating the show's 25th anniversary, which means when I saw it the first time in Toronto, before it went to Broadway, it was part of the very first season of shows. I got a lot of sock knitting done, too, and though I needed a little more time yesterday, I did indeed finish the socks. I'll block them today and then take them to my sister-in-law sometime this week.
I used my usual top-down heel flap/gusset recipe for these, worked over 80 stitches using US 0/2.0 mm needles. The yarn is Knit Picks Felici in the colorway Lassi (as in mango lassi). Felici is pretty generous on yardage -- 436 yards per 100 g -- but my sister-in-law's feel are so big that even knitting her shortie socks used 65 g! Despite starting the socks in the same place in the stripe sequence, they don't quite match, but honestly I think they're close enough, and she may not even notice.
Last night we had some friends over for dinner, as as we were sitting and talking, I looked down at my feet and noticed I had a big hole in one of my own shortie socks (this was a pair that was "missing" for a while in the mess that was my closet, so I suspect some critter may have nibbled on them and weakened a strand that broke). After I finished grafting and weaving in ends on my SIL's socks, I did a repair job on mine:
Before | After |
I didn't have any of the yarn left (the socks were themselves made from leftovers), so I pulled out some that had sort of similar colors and stitched it all back together. It's not a perfect fix, but I mainly wear these socks around the house, so it doesn't much matter anyway.
This week is shaping up to be another busy one. Tomorrow at 8 I go back to the dentist for my permanent veneer, and then at 11 I've got an appointment to donate blood. Plus there are the usual work meetings, school pickups, and chores around the house. I don't know if I'll be able to get outside to exercise at all this week, other than walking to and from my appointments. At least being inside all day means I'm closer to my knitting, which I hope to do more of this week!