
Friday, August 18, 2023

A Friday Finish

Happy Friday -- TGIF, am I right? Even though this week hasn't been as busy as last, it's still seemed to have crawled along, and I am ready for a break.

As I hinted on Wednesday, I was able to ply up the latest skein of handspun (thanks in no small part to a work Zoom Wednesday afternoon), so I have finished yarn to share today.

It's possibly a tad overplied, as there are a few curls here and there, but otherwise I am delighted with the finished yarn, particularly with how the colors came together. There's a pretty good distribution of that bright green, just as there was in the fiber.

The finished yarn is most definitely sport weight, which is just fine with me, and I have about 312 yards. And with this skein spun, I'm officially caught up to 2022 in club shipments! This was my 21st bag of Southern Cross Fibre spun this year and my 20th SCF skein spun (the discrepancy is because I used three bags of fiber for a two-skein combo spin). And I already started the next spin -- and this time, I even remembered to take a photo of the fiber first!

This is Amethyst from January 2022. It's on South African Superfine, which feels like kittens. I'm not sure my photo is the best at capturing the colors; what looks more like blue is actually a pale lavender. I'm spinning another three ply with this, having split the fiber in thirds, and I'm trying to make sure that there's a good distribution of the shades of purple in all areas of the skein. This yarn will definitely be fingering, maybe even a light fingering, as the superfine wants to be spun (you guessed it!) superfine.

Tonight we're having dinner at my brother and sister-in-law's house, as my parents will be there all day watching my nephew and my brother decided they should have a break from making dinner. So I made chicken Marsala and will be baking challah today to take over, and as it's also a running day for me, I predict I will be sleeping very well tonight (kneading challah is a surprisingly good upper-body workout!). Tomorrow we are going to a bat mitzvah that will be held outside at our JCC's day camp, which should be a lot of fun, and Sunday we have plans to go swim and have an early dinner with some family friends. I hope there is some quiet time to read in there, because I'm in the middle of Tom Lake and have three Booker titles that arrived from Blackwell's that I want to get to!

Have a great weekend, friends!


  1. David's fiber looks lovely in the fiber stage and is certainly beautiful when it's spun. His names are so appropriate! It sounds like you have a busy weekend planned, but it's supposed to be beautiful here weather-wise, so I hope it's a good one for you!

  2. Query from a non-spinner. Most quantities seem to yield 300-450 yds. What will you knit from that yardage?

    1. That's an excellent question! Depending on what the fiber is, that's usually enough for some socks or a cowl or a hat. Lately, though, I've been more interested in combining several skeins for a sweater, like the Shifty Pullover I knit last(?) year using six different skeins.

  3. I love those blues! Can't wait to see how the amethyst spins up :)

  4. so much good stuff this week! the spinning. the books. and the reading! I finished Tom Lake yesterday, saw Ann last night (I spoke to her as she signed my book!!), and found more podcasts/interviews today. Have we talked about Our Town? :-) Your Friday night dinner sounds amazing. enjoy!

  5. I have about an hour left in Tom Lake... and I just really don't want it to end. Your spinning though... as always, gorgeous! But that new fiber from SCF... wow, just wow! Hope your weekend was wonderful!


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