
Monday, August 21, 2023

It Never Slows Down

Guess who overslept this morning? If that's not a sign of a busy weekend, I'm not sure what is. But I'm on my second cup of coffee now and am getting back on track for what will be another busy week.

We attended a bat mitzvah of a family friend on Saturday, and it was held outside at our JCC's day camp -- a camp I attended as a child and had not been back to since I was a kid. It's amazing how things can be so different from what you remember! Things seemed a lot smaller than they did when I was little, that's for sure! It was a gorgeous day, though, feeling more like fall than August, and now I can say that I've heard several prayers sung to the melody of songs by Taylor Swift and the Backstreet Boys!

Yesterday we were invited over to some family friends' pool to swim and have dinner. I did manage a few sock rounds poolside:

It quickly got too hot in the sun, though, and I had to put the sock aside and get in the pool.

While I didn't get a ton of time at the wheel this weekend, I am working on my Amethyst, and I estimate I'm about halfway done with the singles. To give you a sense of how fine they are, I took this photo with a penny for scale:

I'd love to get this skein spun and plied by the end of the week, but I have a feeling work is going to get busy again, which will limit my spinning time, so we'll see.

Tonight Mo and I are going to the baseball game with my parents -- after not having gone in years, this will be my second game this summer! I'll be taking the sock with me, and I should be able to get a fair amount done (provided it's not too hot to knit, as we're supposed to hit 90ºF today!).

Hope your weekend was good and the week ahead isn't looking too stressful!


  1. Knitting poolside sounds wonderful. The weekend here on the other side of the Commonwealth was lovely. I actually wore a long sleeved shirt when I met up with Dee on Saturday morning! But...we are back to the heat again today. Your Amethyst spinning is so pretty - makes me think of eggplants. LOL Enjoy the game tonight - hope it is not too hot.

  2. That was a busy but fun weekend! And it sounds like you're headed into another busy week, but also more fun. I hope you get plenty of knitting and spinning time!

  3. That sounds like a really fun bat mitzvah! And your singles are SO thin and consistent, I'm truly impressed. I hope the week ahead is a good one.

  4. Carolyn8:47 AM

    Sounds like a fabulous weekend there— and I love that poolside picture! Something about all those colors against the pool water backdrop…!
    I always find it interesting, sort of odd, went into a place I haven’t been to since I was a child. I was invited into my childhood home last summer, a home we left when I was nine, and everything about it felt so different and small, except for the stairwell. I couldn’t decide if I was glad I had gone in or not!

  5. Poolside knitting sounds incredible! May this week ease along (with plenty of space for knitting and spinning!)

  6. What a fun weekend (I can't imagine prayers sung to Taylor Swift, but it sounds great!) and good luck this week ... finding time to knit and spin!

  7. The weekend sounds like a lot of fun. Taylor Swift is everywhere so why not in a prayer? Your spinning is so pretty. I do like the colors in the Amethyst Braid. The sock looks like fun. I've never knit with the Sparkle base but it looks great. I'm looking forward to hearing more about Tom Lake.

  8. There's nothing quite like a dip in the pool at the end of August! How fun! I hope this busy week treats you well, Sarah. XO


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