
Saturday, March 31, 2007


I think that, quite possibly, yesterday was the most perfect day I've had as a knitter. First, there was the package with all its knitterly goodies. Then there was the time to knit most of the day, resulting in the near completion of a sock whose heel had been turned only the previous night. My newest sock book also arrived. But mostly there was the Harlot.

J and I arrived at Joseph-Beth very, very early. So early, they didn't have anything set up yet. So I picked up my reserved copy of the book and we walked around the SouthSide Works for a while, then came back to watch the bookstore employees set up chairs and pounced on seats -- in the first row. J left once to get something to drink, but I pretty much stayed put and worked on the sock. Here is my Harlot-style shot of the sock and where she would soon be talking:

Then she was there, wearing the Bohus -- which, I must tell you, is absolutely stunning in person. I think I must knit one.

Her talk was funny and extremely amusing. J even enjoyed it, which thrilled me to no end. Since I had reserved my book in advance, we were in the first group to get called up to get in the signing line. I dragged J along with me and introduced him to Stephanie as "my favorite Muggle." I made him show her his socks (he was wearing these ones; I was wearing these) and she showed us hers. I asked her if they were Trekking; no, she responded, "they're Meilenweit Boot Stretch. You can get it at Knit One." (Was I really having this conversation about where to buy sock yarn in Pittsburgh with the Harlot?)
Then there was the moment that really blew my mind. When I handed Stephanie my book to sign, she asked me who I was. So I told her my name and what my blog was. And then these words came out of her mouth:
"Oh, I've been to your blog! You just finished some blue baby socks, right?"
WHAT?! THE HARLOT'S BEEN TO MY BLOG?! Well, color me incredulous. Yes, she assured me, she had been to my blog, and when she tells people she's been to their blogs, she really means it (she apparently clicks on the links to blogs that people leave in their comments). How she has the time to visit all these blogs while blogging herself, and writing books, and knitting sweaters like the gorgeous Bohus, is beyond me.
All of this was amazing, but the truly incredible moment of the night was when I got to hold the traveling sock while Stephanie held my nearly complete sock:
Proof that we were there, and that it wasn't just an amazing dream. Look for us in Steph's next post -- we'll be the less blurry folks in the front row.
ETA: Jen was there with us in the front row, too. I'm sending her picture I took of her and the Harlot joking around like old buddies. We'll see if she posts it.
ETA: I am in complete and utter shock, all because of this. Not only did she remember my blog name and what I'd recently knit, she linked to me. If you've come here from Her Harlotness' post, welcome! Make yourselves at home. And leave me a comment! I'd love to take advantage of this moment of unbelievable luck to find some new knitting blogs and connect with some other knitters!


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    hi! My name is Nishanna and i saw your blog on the Harlot's blog. I'm always looking for knitting blogs to add to my google reader and so i added you.

    just wanted to say hi!

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    yesterday was the best. time. ever. I'm so glad she put so many like to other p'burgh knitters!

  3. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I sat across the aisle from you last night. Stephanie was so much fun - so glad you enjoyed it too!

    Diane (hat lady)

  4. Sounds like a great time :) I'm anxiously awaiting her trip to WEBS in Northampton MA. I am SO there!

    Knit on!

  5. Thanks for your wonderful blog - I went back and looked at the pictures, and there you were looking fuzzy in the front row! What a great time. I can't wait until she comes to CA.

    What is a sockret pal? Is she a friend in a faraway town who also likes to knit?

    Thanks again.

  6. Anonymous1:13 AM

    I came over via the Yarn Harlot's blog. It sounds like you had a wonderful time.
    Punkin in Oregon

  7. What fun!

    Ann from MDK recently left a comment on my blog and tickled me pink! :)

    Now off to browse your blog a bit more!

  8. Hey there!
    I bet you had a great time with stephanie! I wish i could get to meet her but i am pretty sure she won't be coming to Australia any time soon!

  9. Another Aussie knitter just dropping by to congratulate you on your brush with fame ;).

    I've only recently acquainted myself with the Yarn Harlot's blog and wish I'd known about her when I lived in Canada...who knows...may have had a chance to go see her myself :).

    Happy knitting in Pittsburgh!

  10. yup another one who trailed over here from Harlot
    Greetings from Victoria, Australia

  11. Me too, me too--I got here via the Harlot and all the vicarious thrills I'm getting from "seeing" her meet other knitters. Hoping to move from the virtual audience to the real audience when she comes to WEBS.

    Happy socks!

  12. Hi! I did just pop over from YH's blog. It sounds like you had a great evening there. I can't wait to see what she says about Cleveland (my hometown). I live in the greater Boston area and several of my knitting buddies and I are planning a trip to WEBS to see her - but we have to wait until May.

    And the Bohus is stunning - I am tempted to make one, but it would have to be a cardigan since pullovers are too warm for me.

    See you around the blogosphere!

  13. I found you on her blog as well :) Looks like you have a fun blog - I will be back!

    Glad you had fun at the signing - I will see her in Chicago on Tuesday!

  14. Hi, just over from Yarn Harlot's blog. So glad you and your almost finished sock had a great time. I'm enjoying your blog so far, I'm sure I'll be back. :)

  15. Hey.
    I popped over from the Yarn Harlot, too!
    I always like to find out about other PA knitters! I definitely read your blog!

  16. I've been following YH's blog and now get to meet you! I feel like I was there. Knit One is one of my new customers and even though I've never physically been there I feel like I've visited thanks to you and YH. Isn't Stephanie the best speaker! I'm going to Petaluma in June to see her and have her sign my new book and then hopefully follow her (no not stalking just a fan) to Portland. Hope to visit Knit One in person soon! Thanks for keeping us in the loop! Trish in St. Helens OR.

  17. Leaving a comment at your request!
    I was one of the crazy stalkers sitting on the fireplace beside the podium. What a great time was had by all!
    I wanted to wear handknit socks but couldn't resist one of the first few days of Pittsburgh weather that allowed for open toes.
    Now I'm rationing the new book and reading it slowly so it lasts longer.

  18. Hehe..Hi from Australia...just popped in from the Harlot's blog. How's life on cloud 9! All the best, Ruth.

  19. Also from Steph's blog. She did the same thing to me in Cleveland - about knocked me over when she mentioned that she'd been to my blog. I feel famous now!

    I think we ought to start a "Reads Yarn Harlot" blog ring.

  20. Hi! No blog here, but your enthusiasm is awesome and I wanted you to know!

  21. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Hey, I came from the Harlot's site too, but I'm glad to find you! You're already added to my bookmarks. I was in Pittsburgh last year for just one weekend and took an intensive sock class (2 in 2 days) from Carla and just had a wonderful time. Took home a lot of goodies, too!

  22. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Oops, somehow my blog address didn't get listed above...

  23. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Hi, I have found your blog through the Yarn Harlot. Thanks for sharing your impressions and photos of the book signing. Will add you to my bookmarks.
    Greetings from Germany (Munich)

  24. Great blog! Isn't the Harlot great?

  25. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Hi there! I am a Sarah too and it lovely to "meet" you. Please come visit me and I will be sure to check back often. What a treat to meet Stephanie!

  26. Anonymous9:21 AM

    *waving hello* yep, here from the Harlot! :0)

  27. Count me in from Harlot, too! :-)

  28. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Hi, here from Harlot. What she said about this being a community was wonderful, I'm a new blogger and just inspired by the community that is present. I can only imagine what it felt like for you. Happy for you. Enjoy the high!

  29. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Yes I have arrived via the Harlot's blog. Got my copy of her book yesterday and I'm so jealous you've seen her in real life!

  30. me to you, also via the Harlot - don't we love her!? I too am jealous! and I'm so glad I'm not a muggle! :0)

  31. I'm grinning, Sarah, because I just had almost the exact same experience with the Harlot yesterday in Ann Arbor! She recognized ME! LOL Amazing, isn't it?

  32. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Geez, that would blow me away too. Evey once in a while I get a comment from someone I think of a a "famous blogger" and I just can't believe they've actually visited my blog. It's crazy, isn't it? Anyway, I'm so jealous you got to meet the Harlot!

  33. I wandered over from the harlot's blog as well, and I thought I'd say hello. :-)

  34. Hidy-ho! I'm a native Pittsburgher living in exile in California (I hate it here) and found your site through the YH. I found Jen's site last summer when I thought I was going to be able to move back home.

    I'm quite envious you got to meet Stephanie. She isn't planning a SoCal stop, just a NorCal one.

    You're on my bloglines now, and I'm hopeful I'll be moving back to the 'Burgh and we can meet in person some time soon! :) (amy)

  35. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Hey Sarah! I always check out Stephanie's links--I've found some great blogs that way.

    Congrats on your Harlot experience. I'm still trying to convince her to come to South Carolina.

  36. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I came over from YH, too! I plan to see her in Denver. What a cool experience you had!

  37. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Great fun to read about your meeting with the Harlot. I did find you via her blog--and I'm glad I did.


  38. Anonymous10:37 PM

    How cool is that? The Harlot read your blog!I would be excited too.

  39. I'm sorry I missed it! :( Hopefully next year...but how cool that she's read your blog!

    I just realized after reading through a second time that you posted pictures of yourself...showing your face! I guess cropping yourself out while showing the Harlot would have been awkward.

  40. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Hello, I'm yet another poster hopping over from YH's post. I also love to find new knitting blogs, although mine is currently short on knitting content, but long on baby pics. Anyway, I'm going to read the rest of your page. I'm sure I'll stop by again soon

  41. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Wow! That is great! I was reading Harlot's blog to see what she had written about the Pittsburgh signing and saw that she had mentioned a "Sarah". I had a "Hmm...I wonder" moment and then when I followed the link I shrieked "hey! I've met her! She's in the knitting group with Jenn!" So now I believe you have qualified for celebrity status. How cool.

  42. Anonymous5:46 PM

    It's great that Yarn Harlot read your blog. It doesn't really surprise me - she's got a point that we're a knit community and if someone leaves a comment on your blog we normally browse through it.

  43. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I found you via a search looking for posts about stops on the harlot tour. I get to see her this Thursday (saw her last year, too cool!).
    I just about passed out when she commented on my blog one day (it has occured 2 times now)
    I think she is so popular because we can all imagine having a beer with her!
    Your mom's pink socks are lovely!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment! I try to reply to all comments if I can, but I can only do that if I have your email address. If yours isn't associated with your Blogger account and you'd like me to respond to your comments, please send me an email so I have it!