I'm not sure why it is, but lately I haven't been feeling like blogging. It's not like I haven't been knitting, it's just that I haven't felt like I've had much to say. Part of it might have to do with the fact that we've been spending a lot of time cleaning up the house to get it ready to show once it goes on the market. This weekend I filled two small duffel bags with stash yarn that is going to live at my parents' for the time being. It's not easy to say good-bye to my beloved stash, even if I can visit it any time. Rest assured I'm not moving
all my stash out; there's still an ample selection, including yarn for the remaining baby sweaters I've got to knit. With less around to tempt me, I'm more likely to knit with what I've got, right?
Here's the extent of my knitting progress the last few days. I am so done with yellow for a while!
Pattern: Garter Rib from Sensational Knitted Socks by Charlene Schurch
Yarn: Dale of Norway Baby Ull (100% superwash wool), color 2106, two skeins
Needles: Knit Picks Harmony dpns, US 1 (2.25 mm)
Started/Completed: February 11/February 17
Pattern: modified
Baby Ribs (used Garter Rib stitch pattern)
Yarn: Dale of Norway Baby Ull (100% superwash wool), color 2106, leftovers from adult socks
Needles: Knit Picks Harmony dpns, US 1 (2.25 mm)
Started/Completed: February 17/February 18
As I've mentioned before, these matching socks are for a mother and daughter. I made the adult socks anklets in part because I think that's more the recipient's taste and in part because this yarn is so thin that they were taking long enough as it was!
It was only this evening, when I set the socks down to take the pictures, that I discovered that I apparently used skeins from different dyelots. I don't think the difference is too horrible, but if you look in the shots above you'll notice that one sock is more vibrant than the other in each pair. I think I do have another skein of this yarn that is bound to match one of the two dyelots, so I could knit two new socks if need be, but what do you all think? These socks are for a non-knitter (who may or may not know what a dyelot is) and a baby who will shortly outgrow them. Do you think it's worth it, or do I go with what I've got?
(My apologies for the horrid pictures in this post. The Mister is passed out nearby with a horrible headache, so I didn't want to turn on a ton of lights. It's only a few more weeks until the natural light comes back, and I promise I'll do my best to make this blog more interesting to look at then.)