
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Unraveled, Week 50/2022

Good morning, friends. Take a look at that title: 50/2022 -- can you believe we only have two more Wednesdays left in this year?! I am hoping those last two weeks will slow down a bit for me and for all of us, really.

Today I'm linking up with Kat and the Unravelers, but I have a pretty short update on my making and my reading. As I predicted would happen, work has gotten really, really busy and has, unfortunately, reminded me why I so rarely take time off. The good thing about being the only person who does your job is that is brings a strong sense of job security, but on the flip side, it also means that when you are off, there is no one to fill in for you. And that means that when I plant to take time off, my coworkers like to throw everything at me so that they can then move projects forward when I'm not there. Added to all the last-minute prep we've been doing for the bat mitzvah and you can imagine that I don't have a lot of time left to do much crafting or reading.

I am still determined to finish up two projects before we leave. The most important is the baby sweater, which is about 95% complete. I've finished the short rows on the shawl collar, so now I just have to finish the button bands.

I have one more round to knit on my hat before I start the crown decreases, and things should move pretty quickly after that.

Spoiler warning: I have finished spinning all my Fibernymph Dye Works Holiday Countdown minis ,so if you don't want to see, scroll no further!

I have started plying the first bobbin (the gray one), but only just. I'm hoping I can get both skeins plied before we leave, but I may have to wait until we get back to skein and wash the yarn.

I don't have much of a reading update this week because, thanks to the aforementioned work influx, I have not had very much time for reading and haven't finished any books in the past week. But I'm getting close to finishing the three I'm in the middle of. First, I've been listening to the 10th Maisie Dobbs book, Leaving Everything Most Loved, and should be able to finish it on this morning's run. I also started the second Monk and Robot book, A Prayer for the Crown-Shy, over the weekend and have less than 50 pages to go to finish. Finally, I've got 140-ish pages left in Demon Copperhead, which means I need to read about 30 pages a day to finish it before we leave on Monday. I've been trying to squeeze in a few extra minutes of reading it here and there in addition to my bedtime reading, and I'm still feeling pretty good about getting it done despite all the shenanigans of the week.

Well, friends, I need to go get my run in before I'm buried under work for the rest of the day. I'd love to hear what you're making and reading this week so I can experience them vicariously!


  1. That baby sweater... oh my goodness! It is so adorable!

    I am hoping that you work overload is not too overload-y and that you can keep your head above water as your week progresses!

    (and I am entirely ignoring that whole Week 50 thing! Gah!)

  2. oh that baby sweater :-) wishing you a CALM last two days of work and a joyful beginning to your time off! I got a new laptop (macbook air) two weeks ago and wow is it fast! (and I love that the battery lasts through multiple Zoom calls).

  3. The baby sweater is just so darling Sarah and your spinning looks fine - such pretty colors. Sorry work is a bear for you this week (I am so familiar with that...)...and glad you will be off for the balance of the year!!

  4. Your baby sweater is getting more adorable each time you post a photo! I'm sending you good wishes that work goes smoothly for the next couple of days along with preparations for the Bat Mitzvah. I'm also sending you good reading vibes and the opportunity for a little relaxation on Sunday. You need time to think about travel knitting and reading!

  5. You will be MORE than ready for your vacation, Sarah! I'm sending you all the juju for a calm and productive last few days before vacation -- and a joy-filled bat mitzvah. XO

  6. Whoa - everything is so lovely! That sweater is so nearly done and the sneak peak of that fiber is delicious. It looks like a rainbow!! And you're reading some really good books so you'll have a big week of finishes next Wednesday :) I am hoping that you have plenty of time for some deep breaths and can enjoy your time with fiber and books. Hang in there! The end is in sight!

  7. I am amazed by all you accomplish. I send best wishes and congratulations for the bat mitzvah. I hope you have time to savor every moment. The baby sweater is darling.


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