
Friday, August 02, 2024


Oh, what a week it has been. It's been hot and humid. Work's been busy. I haven't been sleeping well. Good thing there's a weekend coming!

Right now the only thing I am working on is a pair of very boring socks.

I'm knitting these for my father-in-law, who has big feet (10.25 inches) and pretty plain taste but who is also easily impressed by things I make for him. The yarn was from deep stash, no doubt something bought on clearance to get me to free shipping, so it feels good to use it up. And these are working well as a mindless project, as I can knit on them without looking much, so I can get in a few rounds here and there while I'm working and my hands aren't needed. But sheesh, they are a boring knit! I think you know now why I like self-striping yarn so much -- at least the colors change it up! I have been tempted to cast on something else, but I have a feeling that if I do, I'll get distracted and these will be ignored. So, for now, I'm being monogamous, at least until the second sock is off the needles.

It's supposed to be hot and potentially rainy this weekend (we need the rain), so I'm viewing it as a good excuse to stay cool inside. We're supposed to have a pool party with some family and some family friends on Sunday afternoon, which should be fun, but the only other thing I have on my calendar is an exit interview with someone from the synagogue board. I hope to sleep, read, and maybe get this pair of socks done so I can move on to more interesting knitting!

I'll leave you with this beautiful sight that I saw when I looked out the bedroom window (please pardon the window screen) the other evening, thanks so some storms that finally held together:

Have a good weekend, friends!


  1. TGIF! We are expecting some of that same rain and I'm hoping we BOTH get what we need. This humidity is awful! I hope you finish those socks soon and move on to something much more engaging... the end is near!!

  2. It is raining here in the South Hills as well... and it is so welcome! My thought was this about those really lovely (if boring) socks... what a beautiful thing to make with some "clearance" or yarn purchased to avoid paying shipping... this says to me that there is NEVER a bad yarn purchase! Ha!

  3. Here's hoping that you get more rain and more knitting time to finish up those socks (a true labor of love)! (Please, please send the rain eastward if possible.)

  4. That's a lovely rainbow. Keep knitting on those socks and while you're doing that you can think about how to reward yourself with a colorful project when they are done.

  5. Brave of you to knit "boring" socks—at least the little tweed flecks are fun colors. Thanks for sharing your lovely rainbow!

  6. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I like the little slubby bits in the sock yarn. I'm sure FIL will love them!

  7. I hope you are having a restful weekend. It's a good thing that yarn has a few little tweedy bits. Some knits are a labor of love and this pair of socks qualifies.

  8. What a beautiful rainbow! Glad you finally got some rain. I like those socks but I can imagine they are horribly boring to knit.


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