
Thursday, October 31, 2019

On the Road Again: 3TT

I feel like I only just got back from Rhinebeck, but in a little more than an hour I'll be headed out of town again, this time to go to Vogue Knitting Live in Columbus, Ohio, with my friend Lisa. Thankfully this trip is much more low key. We're driving there this afternoon, taking classes tomorrow and Saturday morning, and then headed back home Sunday afternoon. But because I have limited time, I'm making this post a 3 Things on Thursday post to keep it simple.

Thing 1: I finished a tiny sweater.
 I had just a bit of the second sleeve to finish up last night, and now it's blocking (hence why it's wet here).

This is the Newborn Vertebrae sweater, and I knit it pretty much exactly as the pattern specified with one little exception: When it was time to separate the arm and body stitches, I cast on two stitches under each arm to bridge the gap and then decreased those two extra stitches away in the first row/round of the body and sleeves. I used 59 g of the skein for the sweater, so it looks like I have enough leftover to make a matching hat. I'm taking that project with me to do in the car.

Thing 2: I finished a book.
Though I'm still listening to Milkman and have passed the halfway mark, two days ago my hold came up on Born a Crime, and I managed to devour that in two days. It was in many ways sad but I also laughed throughout and really enjoyed it.

Thing 3: This cute cookie wishes you a happy Halloween!


  1. Have fun at VKL! And, Happy Halloween, Rainbow!

  2. ...and now I'm guessing you're home again! VKL looked amazing! Hope Rainbow had a fun Halloween. I think it's perfect when Halloween is on a Thursday so the kids have a LONG recovery time :-)


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