
Friday, January 13, 2023

Are We There Yet?

And by "there," I mean the end of the week. Friends, it has been another one of those weeks that never seem to end. Work has continued to be extremely busy -- unusually so, as I've found myself working on three large projects at once, and that doesn't happen often. I was also single-parenting much of this week while the Mister was on a work trip, and I had a board meeting last night, so my day didn't end until around 9 p.m. Today we've got an emergency trip to the orthodontist thanks to a wire that snapped earlier in the week. At least I know that when 5 o'clock rolls around, I will be done!

All that busy-ness means that I have not made much progress on any of my projects since you saw them last. That cake of handspun singles is still sitting next to my computer, waiting for me to start plying. I added a few rounds to the charity hat Wednesday evening, but it's hardly noticeable. The only project that actually looks different is the sock for Rainbow; I worked on it during the Read With Us Zoom discussion Wednesday evening to get past the heel turn and gusset so that I'd have it for last night's board meeting.

When the meeting started last night, I was more or less where the marker is; now I have about two more inches of foot to knit before the toe, which isn't much at all. I'm fairly certain Rainbow will have a new pair of socks this weekend.

That's all I have time for this morning! I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing weekend, and I promise there will be more to see here on Monday.


  1. At least meetings make for good making time! :)

    I hope that Friday sails by with no hiccups and that your weekend is a restorative one! XO

  2. I hope that next week is a better one and marks a return to dual parenting and regular workload. Seven more hours and the weekend will be here! I hope it's a good, relaxing one.

  3. Here's to Friday @ 5!! And I love those stripes, those colors... Wishing you a restorative weekend.

  4. Those socks are so cheerful. I wish I could knit during my conference calls, but I have to take notes the entire time...and then write up minutes, so no knitting for me. And, what is it with work these days? My work continues to be at a crazy pace which is so unusual. And someone wrote to me yesterday that November and December were the busiest ever in his entire career and that January is not letting up. I say enough already!!

  5. Whew! It sounds as if you have had a busy week. I hope the weekend brings a few calmer moments. The sock looks great. I just finished the first sock of my current pair after knitting on it during the zoom chat on The Marriage Portrait. Why do socks seem to fly off the needles if we knit during Zoom meetings?

  6. Cheers to the weekend because it sounds like you sure have earned it! Isn't it funny how we have to plan our knitting for meetings and such? I did the same thing with a new sock the other day, getting past the picot edge so that I could just knit round and round during our Read With Us Zoom. Sadly, Fred & George were in the room and knitting was out of the question!

  7. A little progress is still progress!

  8. Some weeks . . . are just Like That. I hope you have a smooth and trouble-free week this week -- with plenty of time for knitting and fiber!


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