
Monday, June 26, 2023

Embrace in 2023: June

I feel like we missed a week somewhere along the way this month as I woke up this morning to find it's the last week of June. I know these summer months always go too fast! As it's the last Monday of the month, that means it's time to check in with my One Little Word. Thank you, as always, to Carolyn for hosting our monthly OLW link-ups!

At the end of last week, I was a bit worried about what I was going to post about this morning, because I wasn't sure I'd embraced anything this month. But in reflecting about it over the weekend, I realize I totally have -- it's just been less obvious.

Despite the feeling that June has flown by, this month has really been a lot about slowing down. Mo wrapped up her school year and has been home with me every day, which means that my daily schedule now has more time in it. I'm still keeping to my usual schedule, but without having to get her out of bed and out the door on time, my mornings feel more relaxed. Likewise I'm not running out the door at 3 every afternoon to brave the traffic in car line. There are no lunches to pack, no homework assignments to check over, and no teachers to email. And of course I have more time with my daughter during the day, which is always welcome. So I guess this month Embrace has been about reclaiming some time for myself and with my kid, both things I am very happy about.

And if we want to get really literal, I did a lot of embracing this weekend of friends and family who came to celebrate the naming of this little guy:

Yesterday he received his Hebrew name, Chaim Mazal, in honor of his great-grandfathers, Herman and Fortunato. Chaim (which translates to Life) was my grandfather's Hebrew name, and Mazal translates to Luck, which seems like a good Hebrew equivalent of his Italian great-grandfather's name.

How has your One Little Word appeared in your life this month?


  1. I used to love the summer months when the boys were home! I tried to get them to read and do a little math so they wouldn't be playing catchup in September, but most of the days were low-key, low-stress, and full of wonderful time together. Enjoy your summer time with Mo!

  2. I am nodding with Bonny... I loved those summer months. They were so much fun! But Chaim is just adorable! What a treat to spend some time holding him close... I love the significance of his name! Beautiful!

  3. It always amazes me how the easy up of the school routine creates more time in the day. I'm surrounded by family members who work in schools so it's still a big part of my schedule. Your nephew is just so cute and I think his Hebrew names are perfect.

  4. Life and luck, what more does the sweet little one need? LOved the school holidays with my sons, the best of times. Embrace and enjoy.

    1. It's also really nice that she can hang out and amuse herself so that I don't have to plan activities for her all summer long!

  5. What a perfect name for a perfect baby!

  6. Your nephew! What a picture! And such a meaningful naming--I'm so glad you shared it here. (I can only imagine just how much embracing there was over the weekend!)
    Here's to looser days with more space, more time, more flex. The school lunch prep--that, alone...!!! (Not to mention car line, which we don't have to manage now that we have 'walkers.' But I know it so well. AND--yay for audiobooks in that pick-up line!!)

  7. Oh that sweet (sleeping) face! His Hebrew name is beautiful; what a wonderful story it tells about his family and all the hopes & dreams he carries. and yay for reclaiming time for yourself. That feels like a wonderful way to mark the summer season.

  8. Your nephew is pure perfection. And I love the translation of his Hebrew name - what a great way to start life!

    I love that you're embracing a slightly more relaxed schedule now that Mo is on her break and that you're able to have buddy knits together!

  9. Oh! That sweet little face! Those cheeks! (So . . . EMBRACE-able!) His Hebrew name is so lovely. What a perfect name to live into. XO Enjoy your summer schedule. I always love the ease of summer. It just invites a whole new rhythm to, well . . . embrace.


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