Ever have one of those weeks that get away from you? I've just had one of those weeks. After three very crazy days at work, I woke up Thursday to a lovely surprise: a migraine. It had the wonderful good sense to come on right
after I'd finished getting dressed and drying my hair. At least I hadn't yet left for work, so all I had to do at that point was call in sick, take some medicine, get back into my pajamas, and crawl back into bed.
By midday I was feeling somewhat back to normal, or at least normal enough to knit. I couldn't handle anything more complex than garter stitch, though (my vision was still too fuzzy to be able to read a chart), so I put some more rows on the blanket.
[Insert obligatory blanket progress shot here.] 
I'd forgotten that I had some of this leftover light green in the scrap bag; the full skein of
Uptown comes next.
Later in the day, I got a nice surprise that helped me feel better -- my September sock club shipment! This color isn't exactly something I'd choose on my own, but it looks like a nice fall colorway to me, and I like the pattern that came with it.
I've made some progress on other projects, too. I finished clue 3 of MS4 on Thursday night, before the release of the next clue. I know I'm going to have to knit all the clues again for the second half of the stole when I'm done, but so far I'm keeping up with the weekly clues, and that makes me happy! I'm also only about two inches away from being done with the body of my dad's sweater, with about 2 1/2 weeks to go. The sleeves are pretty fast, and once I get all the pieces onto one needle, it should be smooth sailing.
I'm hoping that I'll have some spinning content for you tomorrow, too. I finished up the second half of the
merino/alpaca singles this morning, so I'm letting them rest on the bobbin tonight and will ply tomorrow.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!