
Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Run Down

Run down of WIPs, that is. It's been a while since I've shown you what's on the needles, and as no one of them is particularly exciting at the moment, this is all I've got to blog about.

First, there's the Blue Tube -- my father's birthday sweater. I'm several inches into the body and, as you can see, quickly approaching the end of the first skein of yarn. I'm doing the body first because it'll take the longest.

Next up, and considerably more exciting, is my Mystery Stole. You can see the interesting interplay of lace and beads going on here (and I swear it doens't look so much like camouflage in real life; I think picking the brownish carpet as a background was not the right choice).

I'm really enjoying working with this yarn. It has a really tight twist (you all know how much I love a yarn with tight twist!), so somehow that makes it feel more substantial than "normal" laceweight. I'm about two-thirds of the way through the second clue, so I'll be trying my best to finish up this clue tonight before the next one is released tomorrow.

Taking the place of my lunchtime sock knitting is the sock yarn blanket, which, for nothing but garter stitch, has been surprisingly exciting. Maybe it's the fact that I'm using up a good portion of my sock yarn scraps. (By the way, you might recognize the yarn from my Hederas and my mother's Pomatomus socks. Yes, I did have leftovers that are more than two years old!)

Finally, although I don't have a picture (because it wouldn't be much to look at at this point), I'm still spinning. I'm working on the first bobbin of singles of some All Spun Up merino/alpaca, hoping for a two-ply laceweight. It's a dark gray with touches of deep purple -- not exactly an optimal shade for photographing.

What projects are you working on now that fall is on its way?


  1. Where is the sock yarn blanket pattern from?

    I'm finishing a sleeve on FLS- finishing the border on my Babette afghan and winding balls of alpaca so that I can do Olive's Afghan (from Larissa Brown's Knitalong) when the weather gets chilly. I want me some just knit and don't think!

  2. How big is the sock yarn blanket going to be?

    After I finish my mom's birthday socks, I'll be working on 4 Christmas presents...3 of which are sweaters. One is small, one is medium, one is large. It's doable, but I'm going to need a paper bag to breathe into.

  3. Looking forward to seeing the sock yarn blanket progress - what a good idea!

  4. They all look like they're coming along fab, but I am totally diggin' that sock yarn blanket! Those colors looks fantastic together, too!

    It's still summery-type weather here, so haven't jumped into my fall queue just yet. But I sense I'll be running for the Tree Jacket at the first sign of cooler weather!

  5. The sweater you saw last night. That's it. That's the list.

    I keep carrying around sock yarn thinking that I'm going to get another pair going, but not yet. Oh, and my Noro scarf that hasn't been touched since I ran out of purple at the baseball game last month. Yes, I am a boring knitter!

  6. Anonymous5:34 AM

    i was going to do this too! my dad asked for a cardigan for christmas as well.

    i'm in the process of saving my sock yarns. interesting to see what others are doing with theirs. :-)

  7. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I want to know how big the sock yarn blanket is going to be and what's the pattern too. A Log Cabin? More or less?

    The Mystery Stole looks good! so does your Dad's cardigan but I understand the lack of excitement on that one. :)

  8. Love your Mystery stole. You are the master of having several projects that are all radically different on the needles at the same time so as to maximize interest!


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