I'm starting to wonder if there's something going around blogland lately. First, it was Vera who was dealing with a broken washing machine. Then it was Bonny. Now you can add me to the list. The other night the Mister took a load of laundry down to the basement and found that he couldn't get the door of the washing machine to close (which is pretty important, because we have a front loader that won't work if the door can't stay closed). I went down to see what was going on and found this:
On the left is the part of the locking mechanism that's on the door. Between the two screws is a piece that's sticking out, and there should be two prongs that stick out even more. But the prongs are missing -- because they've broken off inside the receptacle, which you see on the right. I'm no mechanic, but based on the screws on both parts, it seems to be that these parts would be easy to remove and replace. When the Mister called the store where we bought the washer, however, he was told they have so few people doing repairs that the soonest they could get to us was October 20! He investigated other options and finally talked to the manufacturer, who connected us with another service provider, and they're able to come next Wednesday, which is much more reasonable. In the meantime, it looks like we'll have to take a few loads over to my parents' house, which is less than ideal but at least a better option than a laundromat (and, as I told the Mister, it's highly likely my mother will tell us to just leave the laundry there and she'll do it).
As I'm unable to do laundry, I do find myself with a little extra time on my hands, though work has been rather busy the last couple of days. Yesterday I took Mo to an orthodontist appointment first thing and then had an hour-long work meeting (online, of course), so I have made some progress on my socks:
I've decided to wait until both socks are done before doing the heels, so after grafting the toe of the first sock on Wednesday night, I immediately cast on for the second. In case you've not seen it, I posted a Reel on Instagram yesterday of me pulling out the waste yarn from the tubular cast on. Ideally this process is as easy as tugging on the waste yarn, but sometimes it likes to stick. Still, I love the look and stretch of the cast-on edge it creates.
I have pulled out the last Southern Cross Fibre club shipment from 2022 and am ready to start spinning it:
This one is called Conversations with Smaug (yes, Lord of the Rings inspired!), and it's on a positively dreamy fiber blend of 70% superfine Merino/30% mulberry silk. I think I am just going to spin it end to end and ply it back on itself. I have a feeling it will want to be spun very fine because of the high silk content, so expect another thin yarn!
This weekend is looking like it will be a relaxing one, which we all need. The only thing on our calendar is a matinee performance of Moulin Rouge (the musical) tomorrow afternoon for us girls. The weather is supposed to be spectacular, so I plan to take advantage. And I am feeling much better, with less coughing and less congestion, so I might even try a little jogging! I hope whatever you have planned is enjoyable!