
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Unraveled, Week 38/2023

Good morning, friends, and thank you for the ongoing good thoughts. I'm sorry to say I'm still testing positive this morning, though I am feeling better -- I noticed on my (masked) walk yesterday that I could take deeper breaths and walk more or less at my usual pace, though I can still recognize the lingering symptoms of the virus in my body. I have pretty much accepted that I'm going to test positive for a while and I very well may miss out on the Great Race and Yom Kippur this weekend. I just keep reminding myself that although it's a disappointment to have to keep isolating and to miss out on things, the important thing is that I am feeling better.

It's Wednesday, so that means it's time to link up with Kat and the Unravelers!

Today finds me working on two projects:

On the left are the Polwarth singles I started spinning over the weekend that were finished last night. I just wound them into a center-pull ball so that I can ply from both ends of the skein today, I hope. On the right is my current sock WIP, using the skein of Woolens and Nosh self-striping that I bought at SSK. I'm going to be knitting afterthought heels on these socks for a bit of a change from my usual.

I still haven't pulled out my Birch Pullover to do the math I need to in order to continue, but it's on my list for this week.

Reading has been slower in the past week (for obvious reasons), so I've only finished one book.

A Spell of Good Things is from the Booker Longlist and tells the story of two Nigerians: a young boy whose family is struggling to make ends meet and a late-20-something female doctor who is financially well off but struggling with a sometimes abusive relationship. At first this seems like a book whose purpose is to compare the lives of the haves and have-nots, but as the two main characters' lives move closer together, it becomes clear that they both face huge challenges and that their decisions can have far-reaching impacts on their lives. It also shows just how broken modern society can be and who can fall through the cracks when power is in the hands of a few. It's a challenging read, but it's one I appreciated. I gave it 4 stars. I'll also note that I bought a copy through Blackwell's, for which I am now an affiliate, and the book itself is really beautiful.

I'm still working my way through the Booker titles and obviously won't succeed in reading all of the Longlist before the Shortlist is announced tomorrow, but I did buy quite a lot of the books from Blackwell's and thus will read them, even if they don't make the cut. Right now I'm reading The Bee Sting and am about 50 pages is. It's good so far, but I've been reading before bed and have not been able to keep my eyes open for long, so I'll have to find some time during the day to make some real progress.

What are you making and reading this week? Have any predictions for the Booker Shortlist?


  1. I'm sorry you're still testing positive, but I am glad to hear that you're feeling better. I'm sending healthy thoughts that you don't have to miss out on activities this weekend. The stripes in that sock are intriguing (of course I'm going to go check out Woolens and Nosh). My only Booker prediction is that Pearl will not be on the shortlist. For me, I wasn't sure it was worthy of being on the longlist!

  2. It took me quite a long time to finally test negative when I had Covid last year . . . so I understand the frustration. I'm so glad you're feeling better -- but it doesn't make it any easier to remain isolated. And especially for the holidays. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that the virus clears your system in time for a healthy gathering with your family and community. XO

  3. I read Stay with Me and liked it so I am adding A Spell of Good Things to my TBR. I do hope you can go to Yom Kippur 🤞🏼

  4. Ugh, I'm glad you're feeling better, but it would sure be nice if you could stop isolating soon!

  5. Erika2:41 PM

    I just had Covid for the first time. It took me 9 days after the first positive test to test negative. I’m sorry you’re missing your holiday events! I hope you get a negative result soon.

    1. I have been hearing from a lot of people that more recent cases seem to be longer. Today is day 11 for me.

  6. oh Sarah, ugh about the lingering virus. I know covid never hits at a good time, but this timing feels especially bad. I read A Spell of Good Things back in August, just as the Georgia indictments were coming out; it really brought the story to life in some very uncomfortable ways. Enjoy discovering The Bee Sting for the first time. I can't wait to hear what you think (especially of Imelda's pieces!)!

  7. Still?! Ugh! I'm so sorry to hear it. Isn't it interesting how much faster Mo tested negative? Seems like it was no more than 4 or 5 days? I might be totally wrong--but seemed quite a bit shorter.
    Fingers and toes crossed for you that you are able to rejoin in person, by this weekend. ♥

  8. I am echoing Carolyn's thoughts for a recovery for you to participate this weekend! I am sending you healing thoughts!

  9. I'm very sorry that stupid Covid is still disrupting your ability to be with others. I was lucky to test negative by day 6 but I am still coughing and that's kind of lousy. Feeling better is good and I'm glad you are!

  10. I am sorry that Covid still has its hooks in you, but glad that you are progressing. Being able to take a walk at a more-or-less normal pace is monumental!

    1. I think feeling more or less normal is what makes it so frustrating that I'm still testing positive! But you are absolutely right -- the important thing here is that I'm feeling better.

  11. The sock looks like fun and maybe just the knitting during recovery. I'm glad you are feeling well enough to get out and walk. The book does sound challenging but interesting.


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